International Education Consortiums
To further the internationalization of higher education, promote intercultural learning, and protect international scholars and students, York University is a member of a number of educational consortiums headquartered in Canada and abroad.

Canadian Bureau of International Education (CBIE)
The Canadian Bureau of International Education is the primary advocate and network for supporting international education in Canada. Through scholarships, knowledge mobilization, and political dialogue, CBIE promotes inclusive and sustainable international education in Canada and abroad. York's Assistant Vice-President, Global Engagement & Partnership Vinitha Gengatharan serves on CBIE's Board of Directors.

International Association of Universities (IAU)
Created in 1950 by UNESCO, today IAU is a global network of over 600 member institutions from 120 countries committed to furthering higher education and promoting global leadership in sustainable development and digital transformation. IAU also develops wide partnerships with intergovernmental agencies.

Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
Comprising over 400 member universities in 40 countries across the Commonwealth, ACU is the world's first and oldest international university network - established in 1913. Today ACU continues to champion the power of higher education and to connect universities across borders, as well as reinforce the fundamental belief that global challenges can only be solved through international collaboration.

Canada and Latin America Research & Exchange Opportunities (Calareo)
Calareo is a major network designed to encourage, facilitate and support student mobility and research cooperation between Canadian and Latin American higher education institutions. York is one of only six Canadian member institutions.

Academic Without Borders (AWB)
Academics Without Borders (AWB) is an international organization tasked with broadening safe access to higher education across the world. It seeks to help develop countries improve their universities so that they can train their own experts and conduct research to assist in their countries’ development.

Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC)
The Hemispheric University Consortium seeks to unite universities across Latin America, the Caribbean, Canada and the United States convened to discuss the concept of a hemispheric consortium to facilitate problem-based collaborations in education, research and innovation to solve address continental problems including climate change, entrepreneurship, corruption, and public health. York University is the only Canadian member institution of HUC.
Recent News
United Nations Engagement
York University's commitments towards advancing global engagement and working in partnerships had led to a longstanding initiatives with the United Nations. York is a proud member of multiple United Nations affiliated networks and NGOs dedicated towards promoting the integration of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) into the curriculum, research, and operations of the world's higher education institutions.
Key Initiatives
These are the landmark partnerships, research partnerships, and policy collaborations that York community members have with the United Nations system.

CIFAL York is part of the United Nation's Institute for Training and Research's (UNITAR) global network of training centers for knowledge-sharing, training, and capacity-building for leaders, local authorities, and civil society. Established in 2020 as a partnership between UNITAR, York University and York Region, CIFAL York started its operation in June 2021 as the first CIFAL Centre in Canada.
CIFAL York is dedicated to serve as a hub for knowledge exchange and capacity building among government officials, the private sector, academia, and civil society. CIFAL York works towards a global outreach and positive change through bridging gaps and facilitating a range of inspirational training and research opportunities.
CIFAL York Focusing Areas:
- Disaster Risk, Emergency Management and Humanitarian Actions
- Health, Development, Environment & Climate Change
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
- Entrepreneurship, Digital Technology, and Economic Development
- Advancing UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
Created in 2012, SDSN aims to promote the 17 SDGs in domestic and international education across its 1,700 members from 144 countries and clustered into 50 national and regional networks. York is a member of SDSN Canada, which comprises 67 institutions and is housed at the University of Calgary.

United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI)
Formed in 2010 as a subsidiary of HESI, UNAI is a network of over 1,600 higher education and research institutions. York joined in 2022 and submits annual progress reports on the institutional efforts to promote the SDGs in campus curriculum and operations.

The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI)
Associated with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, HESI promotes the the role of higher education in forming policy on sustainable development through convening of multi-stakeholder discussions and the sharing of best practices. York has been a member since 2023. Learn More.
UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability
Established at York University in 1999, the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education towards Sustainability provides support for policy making towards achieving SDG 4 - Quality Education, and more specifically Target 4.7 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Today, the UNESCO Chair at York is one of the most established in the entire 850+ UNITWIN/UNESCO Chair Network.
The UNESCO Chair at York University is currently the host of the following networks:
- The International Network of Teacher Education Institutions (established in 2000)
- The #IndigenousESD Research Networked (since 2017)
The UNESCO Chair at York University is currently partner in the following networks:
- The UNITWIN Network on Education for Sustainable Development Societal Transformation (since 2021)
- The International Association of Universities Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development Cluster (since 2020)
- The Global Network of Regional Centres of Expertise on ESD (since 2005)

The WHO Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) on Global Governance of Antimicrobial Resistance at the Global Strategy Lab
Founded in 2019, the WHOCC at York's Global Strategy Lab uses rigorous and innovative research support the World Health Organization in assessing and addressing the growing global health and development threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Now in its second mandate (2023-2027), the WHOCC supports policy analysis and research towards addressing AMR through a One Health approach. Additionally, the WHOCC supports the implementation of AMR intervention frameworks and multisectoral AMR national action plans.
There are approximately 800 WHOCCs around the world and they are tasked with:
- Implementing WHO's mandated work and programme objectives.
- Developing and strengthening institutional capacity in countries and regions.
UNITAR Global Water Academy
In 2023, York University’s growing area of strength in water research, strong local and global relationships, and commitment to positive change has resulted in the University being named academic lead in the United Nation’s (UN) new Water Academy. The first-of-its-kind Water Academy brings together public and private sector partners from around the world to establish an innovative water training and education resources. Housed at York University's One Water research unit, the Water Academy will provide training and develop skills on global water issues, generate risk assessments of water insecurity, and build strategies for resilience, mitigation, and adaptation measures in response to global environmental degradation, including climate change, to ultimately safeguard our water resources.
Toronto Centre of Excellence on Youth Homelessness Prevention

The Toronto Centre of Excellence (TCE) on Youth Homelessness Prevention at York University is a United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) charter centre for excellence to exchange research, knowledge, experience and best practices in support of the Geneva UN Chat on Sustainable Housing and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The TCE was established in 2021 and is a partnership between the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, A Way Home Canada, and our Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Social Innovation Lab. This designation enhances opportunities for international partnership and collaboration on research, knowledge mobilization, advocacy and training activities focused on the prevention of youth homelessness and sustainable housing.

United Nations Initiative
UNAI SDG Hub Chair for SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
York University has been selected as the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) Hub Chair for Sustainable Development Goal 10 (Reduced Inequalities) from January 2025 to December 2027. he UNAI SDG 10 Hub Chair provides the York community with an opportunity to share its innovative and groundbreaking research projects and initiatives that reduce inequalities in local and global communities. In the months ahead, York will work in partnership with UNAI and other member institutions to promote best practices for positive change in higher education and beyond.