York’s graduate program in Political Science seeks to provide students with a comprehensive and crucial understanding of the leading scholarship in the discipline. The program is designed to provide students with analytical and leadership skills that will allow them to take on careers in the academy, community, and policy circles. They will gain the tools, communication skills and capacity to make substantial contributions as researchers, policy makers and advocates.

Master's in Political Science
The Master's Program in Political Science is unique in Canada for its diversity of critical orientations across the five fields of the discipline, providing a pathway to post-graduate employment or doctoral studies.

PhD in Political Science
The Doctoral program is world-renowned as one of the leading sites for diverse approaches to critical scholarship.

Graduate Diploma in International & Security Studies
This diploma option provides you an opportunity to achieve a specialization by studying with top-ranked faculty in international and security studies.

Graduate Diploma in Democratic Administration
This one-of-kind diploma program is aimed at fostering analytical and practical insights into how to help build more democratic and responsive institutions.

Graduate Diploma in European Studies
This cutting-edge diploma offers you an opportunity to specialize in the interdisciplinary field of German and European Studies.

International Political Economy and Ecology Summer School
Since 1991, the International Political Economy and Ecology (IPEE) Summer School has offered a course each year on a salient issue within the IPEE field.

Learn More
The Graduate Program in Political Science at York is an exciting environment to pursue innovative, socially engaging, career-ready education. Contact our Graduate Program Assistant to learn more.