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Video Description - Global Health

0:00:00.000 --> 0:00:03.000
[Faculty of Health logo]

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[text on screen: “Global Health”]

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[aerial footage of a city]
Global health challenges such as chronic and infectious diseases do not recognize

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[aerial footage of a desert]
borders. The health of the world's population is intertwined with broader

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[aerial footage of a rural village]
issues including wealth disparity,

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[aerial footage of polluted city]
environmental degradation,

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[aerial footage of a busy street]
Government policy and human rights.

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[aerial footage of the York University campus. Text on screen: “Global Health at York University”]
The global health program at York University

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[a classroom of students listening to a lecture]
examines these and other major issues to prepare students for careers in

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[a map of Ontario and a map of Canada on a red background]
global health locally, nationally and internationally.

0:00:35.820 --> 0:01:00.630
[Professor James Orbinski speaking]
We need a new way of thinking about global health. We need a way of thinking that incorporates our global environment, our global governance systems, our global health systems and we need to develop those ways of thinking in a manner that assists the most vulnerable people on our planet that is fundamentally humanitarian and that takes an equity and a social justice perspective. That's what we're trying to achieve here at York.

0:01:00.630 --> 0:01:05.519
[Professor Steven Hoffman in a lecture]
This unique program is taught by professors from a variety of

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[text on screen: “from fields such as...Kinesiology & Health Science, Psychology, Nursing, Health Management, Health Policy”]
professional backgrounds and expertise

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[two students and their professor looking at artwork in a hallway]
who bring a diversity of perspectives

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[two students and their professor talking in a classroom]
and new ways of approaching global health. In addition to classroom

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[aerial drone shot of Vari Hall]
instruction, students have an exciting opportunity for real-world hands-on

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[Logos on screen: York University, Sickkids, Doctors Without Borders, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Chandigarh Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Black Creek Community Health Center]
experience through field placements with York's local and international partners.

0:01:22.319 --> 0:01:44.290
[Professor Steven Hoffman speaking]
What I like about York's global health program is the way that it builds on
different disciplines bringing them together to solve real-world challenges.
And that's what I do with my own research. I'm an international lawyer and
a social scientist who really tries to take what I can from different disciplines, bring them together and solve the kind of challenges that we see today. And that's why I'm here at York University, which is famous for doing exactly that.

0:01:44.290 --> 0:01:56.530
[Three students talking and watching a video in the Tel building]
Our students don't only learn about the complex nature of health challenges but also how to develop effective, sustainable and ethical interventions to improve global health and lead change.

0:01:56.530 --> 0:02:12.400
[Global Health student Gurneet Bhela speaking]
The global health program has changed my views on health drastically. I initially thought of health to be very biomedical and focused on individual behaviour but now I've learned that there are many important factors such as the social, political, economic and cultural that play a big role in determining someone's health.

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[Global Health student Nishila Mehta speaking]
We really emphasize local to global both in the sense of problems and solutions so when you're trying to make change locally who are the key stakeholders and who would you need to involve in the process compared to globally.

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[Global Health student Youssef Hegazy speaking]
What's great about the program is that we don't just learn about the problems but we're given the tools to come up with the solutions like policy analysis and development, communication, research and management.

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[Global Health student Maseh Hadaf speaking]
There's a threaded theme of the deeper, broader causes of what constitutes someone's health. It's not so much the individual's fault, but rather it's a product of their society.And I think that's something that's really changed my perspective on health.

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[Text on white background]
Interested in looking at health from a new perspective? To learn more about how you can be part of York's innovative global health program visit

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[Health at York University logo]