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Home » Fund for Innovations in Teaching (FIT)

Fund for Innovations in Teaching (FIT)

The York University 2020-2025 Academic Plan and the Faculty of Health’s current strategic plans drive excellence in teaching (including but not limited to innovations related to experiential education, eLearning, sustainable development goals, equity, or decolonization) for the 21st century, and actively support student learning and success. In addition, the Faculty’s Strategic Plan 2024-2028 seeks to develop such innovations and create an engaged network of community partners to ensure our quality programs offer students opportunities for community engagement through experiential education.

About the Fund

This seed funding aims to promote the Faculty of Health’s vision by supporting innovative teaching practices within undergraduate education that include but are not limited to experiential education (EE), eLearning, sustainable development goals, and equity and decolonization in curricula. Specifically, the fund will support: research into innovative teaching practices; the implementation of innovative teaching practices, and the development/enhancement of existing teaching practices and novel forms of assessment. In the funding application, applicants must clearly outline how the proposed activities will meet this objective.

Note: As of January 2024, funds have been depleted. Please apply again May 1, 2025. Please contact the Associate Dean, Learning, Teaching & Academic programs (Dr. Karin Page-Cutrara) for more information.


Step 1: Review the fund objectives, guidelines and eligibility.

Step 2: Discuss your proposed activities with the chair/director of your school/department. Consult the Faculty of Health’s Experiential Education (EE) Coordinators as needed, if the application is related to EE.

Step 3: Apply for FIT by completing the online application form between May 1 and March 1 (fiscal year).