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Home » Student Success Programs

Student Success Programs

The Faculty of Health and its affiliated Colleges, Calumet College and Stong College, are committed to student success throughout your University experience. Through peer mentorship, leadership and development and peer assisted learning programs delivered by the Colleges, we aim to help you build knowledge, skills and abilities to graduate, pursue a career or future studies and to become an Agent of Change for Health, transforming lives, systems, communities and the World!

Students in a classroom

Learning Skills

Want to do well in your courses? Learning Skills Services and the Learning Commons have workshops and resources that can help you succeed in your courses.

Writing Support

SPARK is your guide to successful academic papers. If you want to make sure you are sourcing your references correctly and not plagiarizing, become familiar with York’s policy on Academic Honesty.

You can also visit The Writing Centre to further develop the skills, processes, and competencies required for advanced writing assignments.

Academic Support

Enrich your learning through Peer Assisted Study Sessions and tutoring offered by:

Be a Resource for Your First Year Classmates

If you are a first year student, you can volunteer to make classroom announcements in a core 1000 health class about resources to help your peers succeed.  You will also receive face-to-face mentoring from upper year students and build your leadership capacity. Join the Course Representatives Program.

Student Clubs and Organizations

Get involved, connected and recognized. Join a student club or organization by visiting Student Community and Leadership Development or YU Connect.

Want to develop your leadership skills and meet new people? Check out the Student Clubs and Organizations below to get started!

Study and Wellness Spaces

Need some space to relax and catch up with friends or study? The following spaces are available:

  • Orange Snail Restaurant
  • Stong College Junior Common Room (SC 111)
  • Stong College Student Government (SCSG) Commuter Lounge (SC 112)
  • Calumet College Room 100
  • Calumet College Wellness Lounge (CC 129)
  • Complex II Computer Lounge (CC 127)
  • Scott Library
  • Learning Commons
  • York Lanes

Volunteer Opportunities

Consider volunteering at Stong College, Calumet College or for the Student Health Ambassadors at York (SHAY) Program.


Exercise your mind and body while having fun by participating in Intramural Sports.


Stay Connected! Follow Career Education and Development, Stong College, and Calumet College for various networking and scholarly events and gatherings.

Academic Advising

We can help you plan and answer questions about your program, visit the Office of Student and Academic Services (OSAS).

Student Accessibility Services (SAS)

Reach out to Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to seek individualized academic and/or disability accommodation planning, if you qualify.

Financial Advising

Are you in need of some cash? Check out CCSC Awards & Recognition to see if you're eligible for an award, bursary or scholarship, they can help you sort out your finances.

Career Advising

Looking for a job or unsure of your career path? Career Education and Development will help you explore your options and find your way.

Personal Advising

Stressed? Anxious? Need to talk? Student Counselling, Health and Well-being (SCHW) offers a range services that will help you overcome challenges during your academic career.

International Students

Are you a new international student just staring at York?  Visit York International to access important information about health insurance (UHIP), orientation, immigration and employment and student events.

Agents of Change is a new program that focuses on community services, volunteer work and leadership geared towards improving health care at both a local and global level. Students who take part in Agents of Change workshops focus on the development of knowledge and skills that are necessary to become a successful change agent and leader.

Learn more about Agents of Change.


Did you know you can work and study at York?  Visit Student Financial Services to learn more about the Work/Study program.

Looking for a job?

You can also search for and apply to jobs using the Career Centre's Online System.

Stong College is committed to hiring work study students during the Fall/Winter and summer terms. Visit the Stong College or Calumet College website to learn more about available opportunities.


Are you interested in building career-related skills and gaining experience? Do you want to make a difference and connect with the college community?

Learn about volunteering at Stong College and Calumet College.

Remember to visit the annual Career Centre Volunteer Fair which features organizations with a variety of volunteer opportunities.

Want to develop your leadership skills and meet new people? Check out the Student Clubs and Organizations below to get started!

Stong College Student Government (SCSG),
Calumet College Council,
Faculty of Health Student Caucus (FHSC),
Nursing Student Tutoring, Ambassadorship and Mentorship Programs (NSTAMP),
Kinesiology & Health Science Student Organization (KAHSSO),
Undergraduate Psychology Student Association (UPSA), and
Student Association of Health Management, Policy and Informatics (SAHMPI).

Go Abroad

Are you thinking about an international exchange or internship program?  York offers a number of programs to allow all students to gain valuable international experience. These include York administered exchange and internship programs, to the annual Emerging Global Leaders Program (EGLP).  Visit York International to learn more about how you can internationalize your degree.

Student Success: Your College Experience

As a student in the Faculty of Health, you are automatically a member of a college. Nursing and Kinesiology and Health Science students are members of Stong College. Psychology, Health Studies, and Global Health students are members of Calumet College. Your academic program, the Faculty of Health and the two Colleges work together to enrich learning that happens both in and outside of the classroom.

The Colleges are where you can study, meet with friends, share meals, or find the offices of student organizations. You can join student clubs and participate in intramural sports or extracurricular activities. Most importantly, the Colleges run programs to support success in your courses and to provide opportunities for you to learn, lead and grow through participation in co-curricular activities, volunteering and work.

Student Success Programs

Connect with Calumet and Stong Colleges

Calumet College

Instagram: @calumet.york

Facebook: @calumet.york

Stong College

Instagram: @stong.york

Facebook:  @yorkustongcollege