The Faculty of Health and its affiliated Colleges, Calumet College and Stong College, are committed to student success throughout your University experience. Through peer mentorship, leadership and development and peer assisted learning programs delivered by the Colleges, we aim to help you build knowledge, skills and abilities to graduate, pursue a career or future studies and to become an Agent of Change for Health, transforming lives, systems, communities and the World!

Student Success: Your College Experience
As a student in the Faculty of Health, you are automatically a member of a college. Nursing and Kinesiology and Health Science students are members of Stong College. Psychology, Health Studies, and Global Health students are members of Calumet College. Your academic program, the Faculty of Health and the two Colleges work together to enrich learning that happens both in and outside of the classroom.
The Colleges are where you can study, meet with friends, share meals, or find the offices of student organizations. You can join student clubs and participate in intramural sports or extracurricular activities. Most importantly, the Colleges run programs to support success in your courses and to provide opportunities for you to learn, lead and grow through participation in co-curricular activities, volunteering and work.
Student Success Programs
- New Student Transition: YU START, Peer Mentoring, and Academic Orientation
- First Year Success: Course Representatives Program, Peer Mentorship, Peer Tutoring
- Academic Success: Peer Assisted Study Sessions (PASS), Peer Tutoring
- Leadership & Development: Agents of Change, Career Exploration, Leadership Exploration & Development (LEAD), Community Engagement and Wellbeing (CEW), Health & Wellness, and Work & Volunteering
- Community Partnership and Engagement: Indigenous Circle, Community Engagement and Wellbeing (CEW), Awards & Recognition, Work & Volunteering