Smart & Biggar are Canada’s largest and highest-ranked intellectual property firm, combining IP expertise with a commercial strategy approaches to protecting, enforcing an commercializing client’s IP rights.

Distribute deploys High Throughput Computiing clusters at universities usig idle computers on campus to power data science and scientific computing workloads

OWN Innovation is a Canadian IP law firm working with clients to identify, protect and manage IP, including consulting with provincial and federal governments

UniVirtual is a leading metaverse education platform, with fully supported virtual world software hosting synchronous and asynchronous learning environments, revolutionizing virtual learning. They also build bespoke spaces for other virtual reality platforms.

Esri is a Canadian company providing enterprise geographic infromation system solutions, including sustainable transportation simulation and modeling

York University is a partner in the Vaughan Healthcare Centre Precinct, Vaughan's Smart City Initiative and their local innovation cluster

Micas is a Canadian research internship program providing interns with research opportunities across Canada and abroad

Indigenous Innovation Initiative supports Indigenous innovators in developing, testing, refining and scaling projects of importance to Indigenous communities. Part of Grand Challenges Canada

The Nokiiwin Tribal Council is an Indigenous tribal council of member communities located within the Robinson Superior Treaty area (Lake Superior) working on an Indigenous metaverse project with UniVirtual, creating a living archive of Indigenous knowledges
The Centre for International Governance Innovation is an independent non-partisan think tank whose peer-reviewed research, foresight and trusted analysis influence policy makers to innovate. With expertise in transformative technologies and governance, CIGI has an increasingly consequential impact on policy making and ultimately on societies.
Oasis Project is an interdisciplinary and intersectoral research collaborative that describes, spreads and evaluates a unique approach to naturally occurring retirement communities

The Indigenous Friends Association is an Indigenous-led tech organization that creates, engages and renovates digital technologies through Indigenous ethical and communal values

NeurotechX has the mission of facilitating the advancement of neurotechnology with 30+ global chapters and 30+ student clubs at universities including Queen's

The First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) is an Ontario-based non-profit organization working on First Nations data sovereignty. They also provide education and training services on the First Nations principles of OCAP (ownership, control, access and possession), a foundational set of guidelines establishing how First Nations data and information will be collected, protected, used, or shared.

Neuromatch provides internationally inclusive education and netowrking opportunities to academic and industry students and professionals on topics of neuroscience and artificial intelligence

The Builders Association is an Internationally recognized cross-media performance group from NY staging the interdependence of life and technology
Baycrest is a local geriatric-focused continuing care hospital and Rotman Research Instiitute with strong neuroimaging expertise and infrastructure

Neuroethics Canada is a national research resource for neuroethics including topics of neurotechnology

The Instittute for Neuroscience and Neurotechnology at Simon Fraser University offers expertise in neuroscience data analytics and computational models from local to multiscale models that place the brain in the body and in social contexts
The Adaptive Mind is a German federal and state funded multi-university consortium integratting the fields of Experimental Psychology, Clinical Psychology and AI to understand how the human mind adapts to change and what happens when adaptations fail.