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Home » Test of York's emergency notification system

Test of York's emergency notification system

To ensure all community members know what to expect in the case of an emergency, the Department of Community Safety will be conducting a test of York University’s Emergency Notification System on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. This test will include email, push notifications and alerts through the YorkU Safety App, digital messaging screens on campus, and the public announcement (PA) system on Keele and Glendon Campuses. The test will last approximately 10-15 minutes and the word ‘test’ will precede each alert to ensure community members are aware it is not a real emergency situation. There will also be staff from the Community Safety Department on the ground to reassure community members.

As managers with staff, we are providing you with advance notice and requesting that you notify your team to prevent any stress or anxiety that may arise from an unexpected test. While a notice will be posted to YFile and yu link, please ensure staff who may not have regular access to email or internet are notified verbally. If you or your staff require additional support, please visit:

Questions and issues of concern should be directed to Marie Scime (, Director, Communications in the Office of the Vice President Finance and Administration.