ContactOffice Location N517 Ross
Phone Number (416) 736-2100 x 66091
My research area is Algebraic Combinatorics.
My current interests focuses on algebraic graph theory, the theory of association schemes, type-II matrices, Jones pairs and spin models, continuous-time quantum walks and complex Hadamard matrices.
Here are some research meetings I am co-organizing in 2021-2022:
- Workshop on Algebraic Graph Theory and Quantum Information (virtual), August 23-27 2021, Fields Institute
- Ontario Combinatorics Workshop 2022, University of Waterloo
- Thematic Program on Graph Theory, Algebraic Combinatorics and Mathematical Physics, July 25-August 19 2022, Centre de recherches mathématiques
- 2022 Canadian Mathematical Society Winter Meeting, December 2-5, 2022, Toronto
Supervision: I look forward to working with undergraduates (NSERC USRA/DURA), master's and doctoral students who are interested in combinatorics.
I will be teaching Math 4160 in Fall 2022, and Math 1021 and Math 2022 in Winter 2023.
If my course is full or "reserved" and you wish to get on a waiting list, please complete the form.
Compleiting this form is no guarantee that you will get into the course, but I'll try. You could still try to enroll periodically in case a space opens.
For those of you who are starting at York this September, please check out the Summer Mathematics Preparation Program. You need to have your Passort York account set up to access this page.
Algebraic Combinatorics