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Blog 232

Blog 232

Intentionally Including Student Perspectives in Teaching and Learning During the 2022-23 Academic year, the Teaching Commons hosted a group of students completing a practicum placement as part of a fourth year educational studies course. They spent their time together developing the content and interface of an interactive book about equity, decolonization, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility […]

Blog 230

Blog 230

Fostering a Culture of Care During (and After) Ramadan By Ameera Ali Another year, another Ramadan! It is that time once again where Muslims across the world embrace a journey of daily fasting from dawn to dusk, for approximately one month. This year, Ramadan occurs from March 23 until April 20 (the precise end date […]

Blog 231

Blog 231

Meet the TC team: Interview with Educational Developer Natasha May by Katharina Pabst As in-person activity at York University continues to pick up, we at the Teaching Commons thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to (re-)introduce our team. This academic year we have been releasing a series of interviews in semi-regular intervals that will […]

Blog 229

Blog 229

Award Winners Roundtable—Reflections from Teaching Award Recipients  by Matthew Dunleavy 21st Century Learning is one of the six priorities for action in the York University Academic Plan (2020-2025): “this Priority speaks to diversifying how we teach in an era of perpetual, universal learning. Rather than acquiring static knowledge, the hallmark of education for the future is […]

Blog 228

Blog 228

Alternative Assessment in NATS1516: Water Pollution In this two-part blog, Dr. Domenikos discusses an authentic assessment strategy to help students experience what it feels like to be a scientist, in the context of a large first-year natural science course. Part 1 of this blog is available here. As an instructor of Natural Science courses (general […]

Blog 227

Blog 227

Alternative Assessments in NATS1515: Atmospheric Pollution By Stephanie Domenikos In this two-part blog, Dr. Domenikos discusses an alternative assessment strategy - using authentic data sets to engage in the scientific method - in the context of a large first-year natural science course. As an instructor of Natural Science courses (general education science courses for non-science […]

Blog 226

Blog 226

What is "Engaged Teaching"? By Geneviève Maheux-Pelletier Since 2019, I have been co-chairing a committee tasked to advice the Associate Deans Teaching and Learning Council on topics related to Research and Innovation in Teaching and Learning. As a group, we aimed to engage in evidence-informed conversations about teaching and learning. Our most important project has […]

Blog 225

Blog 225

Meet the TC Team: Interview with Instructional Designer Robert Winkler By Katharina Pabst As in-person activity at York University continues to pick up, we at the Teaching Commons thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to (re-)introduce our team. Over the next few months, we will release a series of interviews in semi-regular intervals that […]

Blog 224

Blog 224

The 9th International Conference on Educational Innovation (CIIE) 2023: Mapping the Contours of the Future of Education By James C. Simeon In the second part of this 2-part blog post, Dr. Simeon writes about his experience attending an international conference focused on the role of education in advancing important concepts such as inclusion, mobility, and […]

Blog 223

Blog 223

Global Learning: The Future of Higher Education? By James C. Simeon In part 1 of this 2-part blog post, Dr. Simeon discusses how he promotes global learning and the value of Global Networked Learning in the digital world we live in. To read part 2, click here. Digital communications technologies have permeated all societies for […]