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Development of professional and transitional skills in the context of a capstone course

Strengthening Capstone Skills in STEM Programs

“ICap experiential courses gradually introduce challenging and open-ended assignments that foster cognitive learning. Consequently, those higher level skills important in the capstone course are strengthened: critical thinking, quantitative reasoning, teamwork, communications, information literacy, and design process.” (p.6) “In our experience, ICap yields the following transformational benefits to students, instructors, experiential courses, and the curriculum: (1) […]

Employability Skills: Student Perceptions of an IS Final Year Capstone Subject

“Our study suggests that the participants believed the capstone subject did improve a broad range of employability skills and it also demonstrates the interrelated nature of these skills...Time management was also an element in interviewing clients and many students mentioned the importance of making the best use of the limited interview time” (p.12) “In other […]

MSW student perception of evaluation research as a capstone project: A pilot study

“Overwhelmingly, student respondents expressed that they are confident in their ability to conduct research from start to finish. Student respondents for the most part also reported that they expect to utilize their research skillset in their future social work career.” (p.6). Borne, M. F., Casstevens, W., & Hall, J. K. (2014). MSW student perception of […]

Documenting critical thinking in a capstone course: Moving students toward a professional disposition

“Throughout the semester students demonstrated critical thinking skills needed as professionals, and more importantly developed a professional questioning disposition. Although students exhibited a willingness to transition to professionals, it is unknown how students will perform as professionals...Cultivating a professional perspective evolved from initial codes of gaining confidence to work in the field, being comfortable as […]

Undergraduate Public Health Capstone Course: Teaching Evidence-Based Public Health

“Student success was evident to the instructors in the quality of the products created and in the majority of student attitudes and level of course satisfaction...With individualized instructor feedback and completion of all the learning exercises, the final products showed comprehension and skill development...Student surveys from 7 years of course delivery showed the following self-reported […]

Transition from Student to Teacher–Student Teaching: The capstone experience

“Reflective practice, classroom management, and field experience have appeared regularly as key curricular experiences that contribute to student teachers’ preparation; discussion and suggestions for research and practice in these three areas follow. Reflective practice as a curricular component seems to be effective in promoting preservice music teachers’ growth, particularly during student teaching.” (p.58) Draves, T. […]

Embodying life-long learning: Transition and capstone experiences

“This paper discusses the principle of Transition as it has been conceptualised by the Curriculum Renewal in Legal Education project. The project sought to develop a principled framework for renewing the final year of tertiary legal education in Australia. Capstone experiences were chosen as the most appropriate mechanism for assisting final year students to manage […]

An International Capstone Experience for Pharmacy Students

“Those who have participated in the program attest to the impact the program has had on both their professional and personal lives through increased cultural awareness, heightened understanding of the global issues and challenges faced by health care in general and pharmacy in particular, and a deeper appreciation for how pharmacists around the globe fulfill […]

Accountancy capstone: Enhancing integration and professional identity

“The research was conducted over nine semesters and involved the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data from a student questionnaire. The results indicate that in terms of student perceptions, the capstone unit was very effective in enhancing integration of the program and enhancing professional identity thereby assisting student transition into the professional accounting workplace.” […]

Development of Formative Capstone Simulations to Prepare Novice Students for Initial Clinical Practicum

“Formative capstone simulation scenarios that integrate therapeutic communication, fundamental patient care skills, and clinical reasoning offer one method to prepare students for clinical that is positively received by students...Students stated that they recognized a connection between the scenarios and what they would experience in the clinical setting and thus believed that capstone simulation scenarios were […]