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Supervision in capstone courses and similar advisor/supervisor student schema

Investigating PETE majors’ perceptions of lesson study as a capstone experience

“Results indicate that the student teachers found this form of collaborative planning with their cooperating teachers motivational and presented opportunity to increase their ability to observe students, promote stronger collegial networks, and develop a stronger sense of self-efficacy.” (p.228) Cluphf, D., Lux, K., & Scott, V. (2012). Investigating PETE majors’ perceptions of lesson study as […]

Undergraduate Computing Projects — an Investigation into the Student Experience

“Students who spend on average half an hour a week discussing their project with their supervisor consider this sufficient, and this suggests that this is an appropriate guideline for project management. The majority of supervision time is focused on project management issues rather than technical discussion, and project supervision is seen as a very important […]

Good undergraduate dissertation supervision: Perspectives of supervisors and dissertation coordinators

“In summary, good supervision is characterised by trusting relationships where students and supervisors share research interests and supervisors provide advice without undermining students’ ownership of projects, resulting in evolving supportive relationships that foster student growth… All supervisors and coordinators were also able to report on a time when supervision was not going well. Perhaps unsurprisingly, […]

Students’ Experiences of Undergraduate Dissertation Supervision

“From students’ discussions of good supervisory practice, three key themes emerged: supportive supervisory relationships, directing learning to empower students, and an alignment of student-supervisor interests and approaches…Good supervision was enabled by students taking ownership of the research project and preparing for supervisory meetings. Where supervision meetings went well, students reported feeling re-motivated, with increased focus […]

Student and Staff Perceptions of Key Aspects of Computer Science Engineering Capstone Projects

“The primary finding of this study is that the students’ expectations differ greatly from those of staff. In particular, students tend to have a better opinion of their project, their competencies, and the supervision received than does the staff. However, advisors and evaluation committees have a similar opinion about projects characteristics. The students’ perception of […]

How Valuable Are Capstone Projects for Community Organizations? Lessons from a Program Assessment

“The paper finds that supervisor engagement, project location, and faculty involvement were significant factors in determining whether projects were beneficial to host organizations. The findings indicate that closer relationships among the three primary participants in capstone projects (student, supervisor, and instructor) will lead to more successful capstones for partner organizations.” (p.61) “Supervisors who were the […]

Supervision Typology in Computer Science Engineering Capstone Projects

“…Six supervision styles were identified according to the advisor’s varying degree of involvement in each factor: student alone, execution focused, global supervision, management focused (advisor assumes the proposed planning is appropriate and leaves the execution and technology aspects in the student’s hands), technological mentoring, and process focused.” (p.679) Pérez, C. D., Elizondo, A. J., García-Izquierdo, […]