The foundational femme anthology Brazen Femme: Queering Femininity was published in 2002. Editors Chloë Brushwood Rose and Anna Camilleri curated a collection of prose, poetry, visual art, and theory that explored femme on its own terms and brought us new, complex understandings of femme experience that changed the conversation about queer femininities. Twenty years later, emerging writers and scholars talk to original contributors to the anthology about femme's past, present, and future. These conversations are captured on Still Brazen: Twenty Years of Queering Femininity, a podcast produced by Andi Schwartz.
The first season features Trish Salah, Leah Horlick, Kathryn Payne, Sarah York-Bertram, Anurima Banerji, Jade Crimson Rose Da Costa, Zoe Whittall, Allison Taylor, Anna Camilleri, Chloë Brushwood Rose, and Andi Schwartz. The podcast launches October 21, 2023.

Created and produced by: Dr. Andi Schwartz
Recorded by: Dr. Andi Schwartz and Michael Fong
Edited by: Dr. Andi Schwartz, Rafia Naz, Maykel Shehata, Alan Peng & Michael Fong
Music by: Dr. Andi Schwartz and Michael Fong
Supported by: The Centre for Feminist Research and the Media Creation Lab at York University
Sponsored by: The Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women's Studies (York); The Sexuality Studies Program (York); The School of Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (York); The Institute for Research in Digital Literacies (York); The Digital Scholarship Centre at the Scott Library (York); and the Joint Program in Communication and Cultural Studies (York & TMU)