Making York more accessible
Established to help make the York community more accessible to persons with disabilities participating in academic, social, or cultural events. The fund is intended to supplement costs rather than to cover all costs, whenever possible.
All members of the York University community, including students, faculty, and staff, are eligible to apply.
Applications can be submitted at any time. The committee meets quarterly basis to review applications. Applications of a time-sensitive nature may be considered on an as-needed basis.
Applications must be submitted using the YUAF Application Form.
Applicants should include as much detail as possible about the nature of the request and the approximate costs.
Applications must indicate what other avenues for funding that have been explored.
Applications will be reviewed by the YUAF committee comprised of the following participants or their designates:
- Senior Executive Officer, Division of Finance and Administration (Chair)
- AODA Coordinator
- Director, Physical, Sensory and Medical Disability Services
- Faculty/Staff representative appointed by Enable York
- Student representative appointed by Enable York
- Other members on an as-needed basis (where request-specific advice is required)
A majority decision of the committee is required to approve an application.
Written responses will be provided to all applicants.
Multiple applications from the same source will be accepted; each application will be considered on its own merit.
Application can include:
- Classroom and practicum technological equipment and supports, such as assistive devices, software, or other equipment purchased by an administrative unit and provided on a loaner basis. Any equipment purchased will become the property of York University.
- Disability awareness and education activities to promote and support on-going education within the York Community
- Supplemented support services for participants attending extra/co-curricular and other out-of-class activities
- Supplemented support services for participants attending Conferences Hosted by the University.
- Organizers of conferences and symposia on campus are encouraged to consider additional costs to provide access support when setting fees for attendees
- Part of the criteria for evaluation of applications will include evidence from organizers about how they attempted to fund accessibility costs in their planning of the conference/symposium
- Support for York students with disabilities presenting at conferences hosted elsewhere
- Other requests
Expenses that should be otherwise supported through MTCU funding for students with disabilities
Renovations and retrofits to the built environment (e.g., classrooms, washrooms, residences)
- Those wishing to inquire about renovation and retrofit funding may contact the Senior Manager, Environmental Design and Sustainability, Facilities Services Department.
Does the request eliminate a barrier?
Does the request result in greater participation by persons with disabilities?
Does the request promote awareness of disability-related issues?
Will the request result in education that is more accessible?
Will the request have a lasting effect on the University?
Have all other avenues for funding been sufficiently explored?
Requests that relate to student accessibility, both on and off campus, shall be given priority.
Submit applications to:
York University Accessibility Fund
Attention: Financial Analyst/Administrative Assistant
Office of the Vice-President Finance and Administration
900 Kaneff Tower
York University
4700 Keele St. Toronto, ON. M3J 1P3
E-mail: vpfa@yorku.ca
For additional assistance
Please contact any of the following offices with questions, clarification, or for assistance with the application process.
Office of the Vice-President, Finance and Administration 416.736.5282
Accessibility Hub (AODA office)
1050 Kaneff Tower
York University, 4700 Keele St. Toronto ON Canada M3J 1P3
E-mail: aodainfo@yorku.ca
Tel: 416.736.2100 ex. 20512
Student Accessibility Services:
E-mail: sasinfo@yorku.ca
Tel: 416-736-5755
Locations: N108 Ross Building and N204 Bennett Centre