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Ariana Fathi

Research Assistant, Data in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies [FW19-20]]


Ariana is a YorkU student in her fourth year of study in the Department of Biology.

Over the 2018 and 2019 summers, she was involved in research at Mount Sinai Hospital. In addition to work on a study on the quality of life of pregnant women, she worked alongside Dr. D’Souza and Dr. Malinowski to write a protocol on iron deficiency and anemia. She also worked with Dr. Soble, supporting a healthcare practice improvement study regarding the Kleihauer-Betke test. Ariana has presented on experimental design setups as well as statistical tests for medical students and residence and staff.

Involved in many extracurricular activities, Ariana is part of the Bethune Athletic Council, YorkU Neuroscience Club, York First Aid, Canadian Blood Services Association and Student Ombuds Services.


Global Health & Humanitarianism



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