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Marina Morrow

Faculty Fellow, Faculty of Health

Faculty Fellow

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Marina Morrow has a research focus in critical health policy that explores the following themes: 1) mental health reform, service provision and access to health services, 2) mental health and social inequity, 3) mental health, citizen engagement and social justice, 4) neoliberal reforms, gender and health and, 5) intersectional theory and approaches in mental health. Marina’s research strongly supports public scholarship and collaborative research partnerships with community-based organizations, health care practitioners, advocates and policy decision makers. Marina is the lead editor of Critical Inquiries for Social Justice in Mental Health, University of Toronto Press, 2017. Marina is currently leading the SSHRC-funded international project, Realizing Human Rights and Social Justice in Mental Health.

Research keywords:

Mental health; critical health policy research; mental health and social justice; neoliberal reforms; gender and health; intersectional theory and approaches in mental health


Global Health & Humanitarianism



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