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Trailblazing report offers policy solutions for long-term care during COVID-19 and beyond

Sociologist Pat Armstrong, an expert on the Canadian healthcare system, has co-authored a ground-breaking report that gives government stakeholders a literal how-to plan on improving long-term residential care. It provides a path forward at a vital point in time. It would be hard to imagine a more policy-applicable report produced at a more optimal time. […]

Females in reproductive years less likely to contract COVID-19, finds new research on the role of estrogen

Compelling new research determines that females between puberty and menopause are less likely to contract the virus. This suggests that estrogen may help in reducing COVID-19 incidence and in the development of symptoms, especially those related to increased survival. Researchers at York University are on the frontlines of discovery, tackling issues of paramount importance and […]

Engineering team addresses flood management, urban planning and sustainable development

Cities are increasingly threatened with flooding, fueled by climate change. Transformative research, led by Professor Usman Khan, determines the best way to approach this threat – a technique that reduces runoff – and considers the demand for this technique. Climate change and urbanization are increasing the frequency and intensity of floods in cities. Three researchers […]