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Volunteer Call for Research Project

SSHRC-funded Remembering Radio project seeks Canadian research volunteers

Calling all 78-year-olds – and better. A team of researchers from York University in Toronto would like Langley residents aged 78 and over to tune into their research on radio, wrote March 15: [Fourth-year undergraduate student] Aidan Moir is one of the research assistants working on the Remembering Radio project with Professor Anne MacLennan […]

Research Volunteer Call: Overweight girls needed for pioneering York U research study

CIHR-funded study will run at the Hospital for Sick Children Are obese girls overweight because they eat poorly and don't get enough exercise or because their bodies don't burn off fat properly? asked March 10: Seems no one knows. But researchers at York University want to find out. They are conducting the first study […]

Annual IRIS sustainability survey to examine volunteerism and engagement

Every year, graduate assistants working with the Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability (IRIS) do a campus survey on a sustainability theme. The first survey in 2006, asked students what they knew about climate change and resulted in more environmentally friendly course kits (see YFile, April 2, 2008); the second assessed the value of urban […]

PhD student Kara Hawkins wins CIHR award to diagnose Alzheimer's early stages

On Saturday, Kara Hawkins stepped forward to receive a $2,500 award recognizing her as the highest-ranking applicant in Canada for a graduate scholarship in the field of aging. She accepted the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Aging Recognition Prize in Research in Aging at the annual conference of the Canadian Association on Gerontology in […]

York's Diabetes Prevention Program seeking volunteers for diabetes research study

In Canada, the Chinese, South Asian, African and African-Caribbean populations have a very high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a leading cause of heart disease, stroke, blindness, leg amputation and kidney failure in Canada. A team of researchers from the Physical Activity & Chronic Disease Unit in the School of Kinesiology & Health […]

Call for Korean families to participate in SSHRC-funded survey

The Toronto Korean Families Study (TKFS), led by researchers at York University, the University of Toronto and the University of Windsor, is looking for participants. The study, funded by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada, provides researchers with a unique opportunity to learn about Korean immigrant families in Canada. Participants must have […]

New diabetes study on Type 2 diabetes, high-risk populations and fitness enters second phase

Could screening high-risk populations for pre-diabetes and setting them up with culturally preferred fitness regimes prevent people from developing Type 2 diabetes and the secondary complications of heart and kidney disease, blindness and stroke? That’s what several York researchers are hoping to find out. If successful, their Pre-Diabetes Detection and Physical Activity Intervention Delivery (PRE-PAID) Program […]

York's Diabetes Prevention Program seeks volunteers for a new study

In Canada, the Chinese, South Asian, African and African-Caribbean populations have a very high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is a leading cause of heart disease, stroke, blindness, leg amputation and kidney failure in Canada. A team of researchers from the Physical Activity & Chronic Disease Unit in the School of Kinesiology & Health […]