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Research Celebrations

LA&PS celebrates student research excellence

The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS) is celebrating the fourth annual Dean’s Award for Research Excellence (DARE) by recognizing 54 students for their research achievements. This year’s DARE recipients produced meaningful work across all disciplines offered in LA&PS. Over the summer, each student played an integral role in coordinating projects that added valuable scholarly inquiry to […]

Call for nominations for the President’s Research Awards

The Senate Committee on Awards invites current or emeritus tenure-stream faculty members to nominate colleagues for the President’s Research Excellence Awards. As introduced in 2018-19, there are two disciplinary clusters for the President’s Emerging Research Leadership Award and the President’s Research Excellence Award: 1) Engineering, Science, Technology, Health and Biomedicine, and 2) Social Sciences, Art […]

York University celebrates its researchers

One of the most anticipated events of the academic year, the York Research Awards Celebration, took place May 11. While the event was held virtually due to ongoing pandemic restrictions, the format still offered a wonderful opportunity for researchers to pay tribute to their colleagues and applaud the recipients of the 2021 President’s Research Awards. […]

Professors Doug Crawford and Sapna Sharma honoured with President’s Research Awards

Faculty of Health Professor Doug Crawford and Faculty of Science Professor Sapna Sharma have been named recipients of 2018 President’s Research Excellence Awards. Crawford received the 2018 York University President’s Research Excellence Award and Sharma was the recipient fo the 2018 President’s Emerging Research Leadership Award. “It is my great pleasure to acknowledge these two […]

York University’s Research Leaders’ Gala recognizes high-calibre, world-leading research

The York Research Leaders’ Gala, a star-studded annual event in the research community, showcases York’s talent by acknowledging researchers and academics who have won major awards, received large grants, made scholarly contributions in the form of published books or achieved research breakthroughs in the previous calendar year – 2016, in this case. This year, the […]

Two York U professors named recipients of the President's Research Awards

Two York researchers have been named recipients of the 2016 President’s Research Excellence Awards. Distinguished Research Professor Bridget Stutchbury, Faculty of Science, has been selected as the recipient of the President’s Research Excellence Award. Professor Rebecca Pillai Riddell, Faculty of Health, and York Research Chair in Pain and Mental Health, has been named recipient of the […]

Eight from York to receive diamond jubilee medals

Eight members of the York University community are among the early recipients of a Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in honour of their achievements and significant contributions to Canada. The medals are in celebration of the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne as queen of Canada and some 60,000 Canadians […]

York to celebrate innovative research in the Faculty of Science & Engineering

The Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation will be hosting a series of research celebrations throughout the year to showcase and recognize innovative research underway in each of York's Faculties.  Monday's celebration titled, "Innovation in Space Science & Engineering", will feature presentations by Professors Mike Daly, Jim Whiteway and Regina Lee. The event will take place from 1 […]

Professor Haideh Moghissi wins a prestigious Trudeau Fellowship

York University Professor Haideh Moghissi has been awarded the prestigious Trudeau Fellowship prize from the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation. “We were thrilled to learn that Professor Haideh Moghissi was a recipient of the Trudeau Fellowship prize,” said York President & Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri. “The Trudeau Fellowship is an incredible honour bestowed upon the finest thinkers who […]

President's video highlights best of 2010, including Sherman Centre opening

A new video from York University President & Vice-Chancellor Mamdouh Shoukri offers a welcome back message to students returning for the winter term. Building on the success of his fall welcome message, the president offers a recap of the major milestones and news events of the past term. In the high-definition video filmed in the Learning Commons at […]