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Knowledge Mobilization (KMb)

Psychology students' blog aims to make trauma research accessible

Psychology students' blog aims to make trauma research accessible

How people cope with traumatic events varies widely between individuals, and the impact on a family can be long lasting and devastating. Now there is a new resource coming out of York University for people seeking information on what to do when faced with the effects of trauma. Released today, The Trauma and Attachment Report […]

Watch Raccoon Nation documentary featuring two York researchers on CBC's website

Watch Raccoon Nation documentary featuring two York researchers on CBC's website

CBC's The Nature of Things aired its Raccoon Nation documentary Feb. 24, featuring York psychology and biology Professor Suzanne MacDonald and PhD student Marc Dupuis-Desormeaux: The researchers tagged the raccoons with GPS collars to log their travels throughout the city, recording them at up to 1,500 points over six weeks. They found that the raccoons […]

Professor Roger Keil says multiculturalism more successful in Canada than Europe

Professor Roger Keil says multiculturalism more successful in Canada than Europe

Declarations by European leaders that multiculturalism is a failure are not applicable to York Region, academics and immigration advocates said, wrote the Aurora Banner, Feb. 18: The dialogue sparked by the leaders mystifies York University City Institute director Roger Keil, himself a newcomer from his native Germany in the 1990s. “I’m puzzled (that) the national […]

YIHR hiring administrative clerk; Knowledge Mobilization seeking five graduate interns for climate change projects

YIHR hiring administrative clerk; Knowledge Mobilization seeking five graduate interns for climate change projects

The York Institute for Health Research (YIHR) is seeking an administrative clerk for a one-year contract. Applications are due by Tuesday, March 1, 2011. The Knowledge Mobilization unit it also seeking five graduate interns (students enrolled in master's or PhD programs) for placement with a variety of municipal partners in the GTA. There are several […]

York partners with the Sault College in diabetes prevention program

York partners with the Sault College in diabetes prevention program

Sault College has partnered with York University and the Garden River First Nation to deliver a pre-diabetes detection and physical activity intervention delivery program, also known as PRE-PAID, wrote Feb. 15: The PRE-PAID project, funded by the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport and Ontario Trillium Foundation, targets groups at high risk for diabetes […]

SSHRC-funded project provides daily facts about African-Canadian history

SSHRC-funded project provides daily facts about African-Canadian history

Did you know that African Canadians worshipping on the lakeshore founded Toronto's first Baptist Church in 1826? Did you know that Upper Canada was the first place in the British Empire to make laws limiting slavery (1793)? Did you know that Mathieu Da Costa, a multilingual translator of African descent, came to Canada with Samuel […]

York University launches commercialization presence in York Region

York University launches commercialization presence in York Region

If collaboration across industry, academic and public sectors is key to bridging Canada’s innovation gap, how do you make university research more accessible to the people and organizations who need this expertise? York University has answered this challenge by launching Innovation York (IY). Strategically located in York Region, IY is the public face and conduit […]

Upcoming Health and Environment Forum in Sarnia to focus on First Nations youth

Upcoming Health and Environment Forum in Sarnia to focus on First Nations youth

Organizers of an upcoming environmental forum are hoping to engage First Nations youth, wrote The Sarnia Observer Jan. 30: The event, hosted by the Aamjiwnaang First Nations Health and Environment Committee, in partnership with York University, is a follow-up to a 2008 health symposium held in Sarnia to share research findings with members of the […]

Filmmaker draws inspiration from work of Global Suburbanisms team

Filmmaker draws inspiration from work of Global Suburbanisms team

A United Way report last week highlighted a problem in Toronto: our city’s poor are increasingly concentrated in crumbling highrise towers, mostly in the inner suburbs, wrote Edward Keenan in EYE Weekly Jan. 20: The report addresses a subject that National Film Board filmmaker-in-residence Katerina Cizek has been studying for two years, while making films on […]