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Canadian Centre for German & European

New directors appointed to five research centres

Five York professors have been appointed directors at York research centres.  The new directors are Professor Colin Coates, director of the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies (RCCS); Professor Laurence Harris, director of the Centre for Vision Research (CVR); Professor Christina Kraenzle, director of the Canadian Centre for German & European Studies (CCGES); Professor David Mutimer, director of […]

Round table examines European Union's future in wake of economic crisis

What does the economic crisis in Europe mean for the future of the European Union? That’s the question York faculty from economics, public policy and history will grapple with at a round table discussion tomorrow. Round table Discussion: The European Union in Crisis? will take place from 2 to 4pm at 305 York Lanes, Keele […]

Professor Susan Ingram's book explores history of fashion in Berlin

In her recent book, Berliner Chic: A Locational History of Berlin Fashion, York humanities Professor Susan Ingram explores the emergence of Berlin as a fashion capital against a backdrop of politics, ideology and war. The launch of Berliner Chic will take place Wednesday, Feb. 2, from 4 to 6pm in the Senior Common Room, 010 […]

Panel examines impact of financial crisis on auto industry January 24

The second panel in York University’s “Automobility” series, taking place today, will examine the changing political economy of the global automobile industry. The panel, hosted by York’s Canadian Centre for German & European Studies (CCGES) and co-sponsored by the International Business Program of the Schulich School of Business, will feature Scott Paradise, VP marketing & business […]

Canadian Centre for German and European Studies seeks new centre director

The Canadian Centre for German and European Studies invites applications and nominations for a centre director. Details about the posting are available in Research Jobs. Please note applicants or nominees are expected to be members of York University's full-time faculty at the level of at least associate professor. Applications are due by Monday, January 31, […]

Professor Peter McIsaac appointed director of Centre for German & European Studies

Peter McIsaac, a professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies’ Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics, has been appointed director of the Canadian Centre for German & European Studies (CCGES) at York University. The appointment became effective July 1. "I am truly excited to be taking on the directorship of CCGES, which is both a […]

York Research Tower: Creating a new model for research collaboration

Researchers, faculty, administrators and staff working in the York Research Tower gathered on May 4 to celebrate the new building’s role in fostering social science and humanities research across York University (all speaker videos are available in the Research Multimedia Centre). Above: The York Research Tower, which opened in September 2009, features some 84,000 square feet […]

York leads all Canadian universities in SSHRC’s largest awards

York researchers awarded two of SSHRC’s largest grants to study long-term residential healthcare and global suburbanism Two teams led by York University researchers have received $5 million in research funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Their multinational research teams, involving multiple universities and community partners in a large-scale collaboration, […]

Roger Keil, director of the CITY Institute, weighs in on the transformation of suburbs

The Globe & Mail ran an urban renewal feature today on the transformation of Surrey, viewed in the past as Vancouver's ‘ugly sister', into Canada's fastest-growing suburb. Part of its success, Lisa Rochon writes, is Surrey's emphasis on innovative design. Rochon's article quotes Roger Keil, professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies, director of the […]