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Institute for Research and Innovation in Sustainability

VP Research & Innovation shares feedback on Strategic Research Plan at open forum

Vice-President Research & Innovation Robert Haché shared feedback received from the community consultations and explored draft themes for York’s new Strategic Research Plan at an open forum on Nov. 20 at the Keele campus. In his presentation, Haché noted that the feedback from the community consultations indicates the York community identifies that the plan should […]

Knowledge Mobilization documents best practices for clear language research summaries

When it comes to conveying the important research to the broader community, clear language summaries are the best choice, this according to a new article published in the peer-reviewed journal, Scholarly & Research Communications. Led by David Phipps (left), executive director of research & innovation services, and colleagues from York's Knowledge Mobilization Unit (KMb), the group put pen to […]

Osgoode law profs examine community engagement at Research Celebration

The many facets of community engagement will be examined using the law as a lens during a panel presentation at the Osgoode Research Celebration Wednesday, April 4. Robert Haché, vice-president research & innovation, and Lorne Sossin, dean of Osgoode Hall Law School, are co-hosting the event, which takes place from 12 to 2pm in Room […]

Get a jump on planet-friendly events with Sustainability at York

With Earth Hour and Earth Day on the horizon, York University is getting a jump on planet-friendly events by launching new sustainability initiatives. Sustainability at York has a new website and there are two new programs, the Sustainability Ambassadors Program and the Green Office Program. “I am proud that York University continues to implement initiatives that […]

Panel to examine peace-building and the environment in the Middle East

Is peace-building through environmental cooperation possible in the Middle East? Panellists will discuss this next week at an Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability (IRIS) Speakers’ Series event. The Environmental Cooperation and Israel-Palestinian Peace event will take place March 15 at 1pm at 280A York Lanes, Keele campus. Environmental cooperation has been much-lauded as […]

Disability advocate Jeff Preston to stage a 'stairbombing' at York

Jeff Preston, co-creator of webcomic Cripz, advocates fighting for disability rights in creative ways and will explain how in a talk Feb. 7 at York. In “Battle Lines Drawn: Resisting Ableism Through Creative Intervention”, Preston will explain how to use cultural warfare – online publishing and publicity stunts such as stairbombing and chair mobbing – […]

McLaughlin talk looks at the human rights responsibilities of companies

Should the human rights responsibilities of companies arise, in part, from their “leverage” – their ability to influence others’ actions through their relationships? Special Representative John Ruggie rejected this proposition in the United Nations Framework for business and human rights. During the next instalment of the McLaughlin College Lunchtime Talks, taking place today at noon, […]

Student delegates report on UN Climate Change Conference

In December, two York graduate students attended the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Durban, South Africa as non-voting delegates with observer status. On Thursday, Ewa Modlinska, an MES student in environmental studies, and Alex Todd, an MA candidate in geography, will share their observations on the COP 17 Debrief panel, in 120E Stedman Lecture […]

Glendon primatologist talks orangutans, research and rainforests

Prominent Canadian primatologist and Glendon psychology Professor Anne Russon will talk about the Borneo Orangutan Society of Canada (BOS Canada) and their research projects in Kutai National Park this Thursday as part of the Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability Speaker Series. The talk, “Orangutans: Research & Rainforest Protection in Borneo”, will take place Nov. 10, […]

Glendon Campus Project on sustainability launches website tomorrow

Glendon has a rich history, including a forest containing some rare trees – one of which was brought over from China and once thought to be extinct. Professor Stuart Schoenfeld and Helen Psathas, senior manager, Environmental Design & Sustainability, will talk campus sustainability tomorrow at the launch of the Glendon Campus Project website. “Environmental History of the […]