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Important Message for All Those Engaged in Research at York

Office of Research Ethics Urges Attendance at Information Session on Streamlining and Harmonization of Review Processes

In an effort to streamline and harmonize the Research Ethics review processes and protocols, the Office of Research Ethics has updated two key documents, which will come into effect January 2017.

The benefits include:

  • Increased efficiency of the review process and reporting due to greater clarity and precision at the start;
  • Enhanced compliance with current guidelines as the result of more streamlined or harmonized processes and an enhanced common or mutual understanding of expectations; and
  • Time saver: Reduced Ethics review time through both increased efficiency and enhanced compliance.

In short, these streamlined processes and protocol(s) will be a win-win for all those engaged in research at York University and the Office of Research Ethics.

Learning about these new forms will be vital, so the Office of Research Ethics is hosting two information and consultation sessions for faculty and students. These sessions will fully profile the Streamlining and Harmonization of Research Ethics Review Processes and Protocols, as well as the new forms. They will also provide an important opportunity for discussion.

We strongly encourage attendance at one of these sessions.

1st Session: Monday, October 24th, 2016, 10 am - 12 Noon, 519 Kaneff Tower

RSVP to:

2nd Session: Monday, November 14th, 2016, 2 pm - 4 pm, 519 Kaneff Tower

RSVP to:

For further information, please contact Alison Collins-Mrakas at: