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Feeling ill? Community Safety outlines the protocol and process for reporting COVID-19 cases

The following is a message to the community from Samina Sami, executive director of Community Safety at York University:

Dear Colleagues,

The purpose of this communication is to clarify the process and protocol for reporting COVID-19 cases at York University.

COVID-19 symptoms

  • Anyone experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or generally feeling ill is requested to contact Toronto Public Health (TPH), Ontario Telehealth, or their health care provider, to receive medical support based on their individual symptoms and also follow the advice provided on the Toronto Public Health website.

Voluntary disclosure

  • If you receive a voluntary disclosure, please ask the individual to follow the directions noted above.
  • All employees are asked to treat any such disclosures confidentially and recommend the individual stay home (or go home) as well as provide the necessary work/course accommodation information outlined in Community Updates on the York COVID-19 website (including Community Update #11).

Privacy and confidentiality

  • Due to the sensitivity of information surrounding disclosures, all employees are asked not to share the disclosure information within their work areas (as directed in Community Update #18.)
  • Notifying other employees or students of self disclosures, or possible exposures without receiving direction from Toronto Public Health is not York’s responsibility. Doing so, can lead to confusion, misinformation, as well as the risk of misguidance, breach of privacy and decreased levels of trust between York and various health authorities. 


  • York managers and faculty are also required to direct employees to contact Health, Safety and Well-being (HSEWB) via email: to provide relevant information as it relates to workplace health, safety and accommodations.
  • Public Health takes the lead on all COVID-19 cases. York University takes guidance from Toronto Public Health regarding any measures that are needed to support campus operations, students, staff and faculty.

Working with Toronto Public Health

  • When the situation warrants, Toronto Public Health will contact York University’s Emergency Operations Centre – Toronto Public Health Liaison with further information and directions.
  • Toronto Public Health will also provide necessary instructions directly to individuals if required (i.e. self-isolation, self-monitoring, etc.).
  • If Toronto Public Health determines that there is a community health and safety risk, York’s Toronto Public Health Liaison will work directly with York’s Emergency Operations Centre, including the preparation of any community communications
  • If there is no assessed risk, Toronto Public Health will not be in communication with York University as per their privacy protocols.

In other words, no news is good news.

Staying informed

We know that these are unprecedented and unsettling times. We appreciate your ongoing commitment and support.

Courtesy of YFile.