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Aboriginal communities

Professors report back to Arctic communities on International Polar Year Research

For two weeks in January, two York professors bundled into parkas and flew to Arctic villages along the proposed Mackenzie Valley pipeline. They were delivering valuable cargo – the results of their International Polar Year (IPY) research. Reporting back to the communities was a condition of receiving IPY research funding in 2007, and after three years […]

York partners with the Sault College in diabetes prevention program

Sault College has partnered with York University and the Garden River First Nation to deliver a pre-diabetes detection and physical activity intervention delivery program, also known as PRE-PAID, wrote Feb. 15: The PRE-PAID project, funded by the Ministry of Health Promotion and Sport and Ontario Trillium Foundation, targets groups at high risk for diabetes […]

Professor Alan Durston receives SSHRC's Aurora Prize for research on indigenous language

Although Quechua dates back to the time of the Incas and is spoken by millions in Peru, its success as a written language has been limited. Despite its official language status, it’s considered marginalized and is dogged by stigma and misconceptions. During the first half of the 20th century, however, there was a sudden flurry […]

Professor Carolyn Podruchny: What it took to be a real man in the 18th and 19th centuries

What made a man in the 18th and 19th century? That’s what York Professor Carolyn Podruchny, graduate director of the Department of History, will reveal at her public lecture tomorrow as part of the Canada: Like You've Never Heard It Before Speakers' Series. Podruchny’s talk, “Tough Bodies, Fast Dogs, Well-Dressed Wives: Measures of Manhood Among French-Canadian […]

Upcoming Health and Environment Forum in Sarnia to focus on First Nations youth

Organizers of an upcoming environmental forum are hoping to engage First Nations youth, wrote The Sarnia Observer Jan. 30: The event, hosted by the Aamjiwnaang First Nations Health and Environment Committee, in partnership with York University, is a follow-up to a 2008 health symposium held in Sarnia to share research findings with members of the […]

Professor Timothy Leduc: Include Inuit experience of climate change in Western debate

A York University professor’s new book aims to integrate the Inuit experience of climate change with Western climate research, and includes an Inuktitut companion to the volume, making it accessible across cultures. Climate, Culture, Change: Inuit and Western Dialogues with a Warming North, released this week by University of Ottawa Press, calls for a shift […]

PhD student defends thesis in Mi'gmaw language, a York first

While researching the historical rights of his First Nation’s community of Listuguj in the Gespe’gewa’gig district of the Mi’gmaw on the southwest shore of the Gaspé peninsula for his doctoral thesis, York PhD candidate Alfred Metallic came to believe there was something missing in what he was doing – an integral piece of a larger […]

Professor Dayna Nadine Scott: Chemical Valley compromises First Nation people's rights

The cumulative impact of the relentless release of pollutants into the air from Canada’s "Chemical Valley" affects the members of Aamjiwnaang in a way that is fundamentally unfair, and is now argued to be unconstitutional, wrote Dayna Nadine Scott, professor in York’s Osgoode Hall Law School and co-director of the National Network on Environments & […]

IRIS launches book calling for systemic changes to fight climate change

It's not enough to plant trees in exchange for carbon emissions in the fight to mitigate climate change, say York environmental studies Professor Anders Sandberg and York environmental studies master’s student Tor Sandberg in their new co-edited book Climate Change – Who’s Carrying the Burden?: The Chilly Climates of the Global Environmental Dilemma. Nor is […]

York researchers receive $10 million in funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at York University have been awarded over $10 million from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The grants, part of $190.5 million in funding and awards invested across the country, will support over 220 innovative York research projects to improve Canadians’ quality of life while […]