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York study of parents and loss receives international attention

One of the toughest challenges a parent faces when a child dies is to learn how to parent the surviving children, and the task begins immediately, according to York University psychology Professor Stephen Fleming, wrote the Times of India and other newspapers and websites in the US and South Asia Feb. 16: From the moment […]

Professor Timothy Leduc: Include Inuit experience of climate change in Western debate

A York University professor’s new book aims to integrate the Inuit experience of climate change with Western climate research, and includes an Inuktitut companion to the volume, making it accessible across cultures. Climate, Culture, Change: Inuit and Western Dialogues with a Warming North, released this week by University of Ottawa Press, calls for a shift […]

Professor Haideh Moghissi edits new book on Muslim diaspora in the West

In her ongoing effort to illuminate the experience of Muslims in the West, York Professor Haideh Moghissi has recently produced her second book on the subject, Muslim Diaspora in the West: Negotiating Gender, Home and Belonging. Released in December, the volume of essays by scholars from both sides of the Atlantic explores issues of race […]

Professor Sheila Cavanagh publishes book on public bathrooms, sexuality, gender and segregation

Few people consider the public washrooms they use as bastions of segregation, but for York University sexuality studies Professor Sheila Cavanagh, these places are in fact among the last gender segregated public places in western countries. Right: Sheila Cavanagh In her new book Queering Bathrooms: Gender, Sexuality and the Hygienic Imagination, Cavanagh, a queer theorist, […]

Professor Zulfikar Hirji publishes book exploring Muslim diversity

For more than 1,400 years, Muslims have held multiple and diverging views about their religious tradition. Yet especially since Sept. 11, 2001, Muslims are commonly portrayed as homogeneous and dogmatic. In his new book, Diversity and Pluralism in Islam: Historical and Contemporary Discourses amongst Muslims, York anthropologist Zulfikar Hirji challenges that view. The 253-page volume […]

Professor Priscila Uppal talks Canadian books on radio throughout December

English Professor Priscila Uppal has found a new way to indulge her passion for the written word. She is now a reviewer for Radio Canada International, talking, of course, about all things bookish and Canadian. On various Wednesdays between 11 and 11:30am, including tomorrow, Uppal will discuss what she has been reading lately as part […]

Professor Deborah Britzman's book examines psychoanalysis, Freud and education

In her new book Freud and Education, author Deborah Britzman follows the threads of the concept of education – its dangers and promises and its illusions and revelations – throughout Sigmund Freud’s body of work. Britzman, a Distinguished Research Professor in York's Faculty of Education, defines how fundamental Freudian concepts such as the psychical apparatus, the […]

York-based journal and book examine militarization of everyday life

A special double issue of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies – also being published as a book – examines the role that militarization plays in our lives and its effects on civic culture. “Cultures of Militarization,” edited by Jody Berland (right), professor in York’s Department of Humanities, and Blake Fitzpatrick, professor in the School […]

History Professor Marc Stein's book questions US Supreme Court's sexually libertarian image

York history Professor Marc Stein grew up in the suburbs of New York City in the 1960s and 1970s with a passionate faith in the US Constitution and US Supreme Court as strong protectors of freedom, equality and democracy in the post-war era. That faith was shaken in the 1980s when the Supreme Court justices upheld state sodomy laws, […]

PhD candidate Kathleen Cummins examines film and TV interpretations of Jane Eyre

Over 150 years after it was first published, Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 novel Jane Eyre remains a favourite for film and television adaptations. But what influences and interpretations are at work before it hits the screen? York women's studies PhD candidate Kathleen Cummins (BA Spec. Hons. ’92, MFA ’95) will talk on Thursday about “The Perils […]