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Debra Pepler

Professor Debra Pepler argues you can't just punish children who bully

Punishment isn’t the answer for kids who learned to bully at home, says a Toronto psychology professor, wrote Halifax’s Chronicle-Herald April 9. "If a child is bullied at home by his or her parents or siblings, they’re going to learn the patterns they need to learn about the use of power and aggression in relationships," […]

Are best friends bad for your kid? Professor Debra Pepler on best friends and bullying

Some schools are discouraging close friendships in the hopes of preventing bullying, wrote Diane Peters in Jan. 26: It’s not that concerned educators are “out to get” best friends. But they are trying to nudge close pals apart a little bit, so that they don’t become too insular. Twosomes can turn into threesomes, and […]

CBC’s Ideas re-airs girls and bullying documentary, featuring Professor Debra Pepler

CBC Radio's Ideas program is re-airing "It's a Girl's World," Lynn Glazier's audio documentary about the social world of girls where a hidden culture of nastiness lurks beneath a cultural facade of niceness. The series examines the tumultuous nature of female relationships from girlhood to adulthood. The radio series, and its companion National Film Board […]

Psychology researchers to train youth outreach workers

Psychology researchers in York’s Faculty of Health, PhD student Gregory Knoll (MA ’07) and Debra Pepler, Distinguished Research Professor, along with Professor Wendy Josephson of the University of Winnipeg, will provide three days of training to youth outreach workers and supervisors this month as part of a growing program. Stages of Change training will involve […]

Surprised Canada's the 12-worst country for bullying? Professor Debra Pepler says examine adult behaviour

Canada’s ranking as the 12th worst country for bullying among 40 wealthy nations is an eye-opener, say the organizers of a childhood bullying prevention conference held at McMaster University, wrote The Hamilton Spectator May 29: York University Distinguished Research Professor in psychology, Debra Pepler, a PREVNet co-director and member of York’s Faculty of Health, said people […]

Professor Debra Pepler: Bullying is not a rite of passage

In last week’s Globe and Mail, there was a disturbing story about how passengers failed to help a 79-year-old man who was being mugged on a Toronto subway car, despite his cries for help, wrote Wendy Craig of Queen's University, Tracy Vaillancourt of the University of Ottawa and Debra Pepler, Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology […]