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Department of Humanities

CRC and Professor Caitlin Fisher to keynote at York humanities conference April 14-16

Everyday life. Everyday people. Most of us say "everyday" almost every day. Academically, it is a term that has been theorized, used as a concept and developed into narratives. But what does it really mean? The Everyday: Experiences, Concepts, Narratives is an upcoming Graduate Program in Humanities conference looking at the "everyday" as it relates to […]

CERLAC sponsors lecture on Caribbean women's religious dress March 10

Religion and culture Professor Carol Duncan of Wilfrid Laurier University will explore Caribbean women’s religious dress traditions at the next instalment of the Centre for Research on Latin America & the Caribbean’s (CERLAC) Caribbean Lecture Series. “Caribbean Religion and Female Esthetic” will take place Thursday, March 10, from 12:30 to 2:30pm in the Conference Centre […]

Professor Susan Ingram's book explores history of fashion in Berlin

In her recent book, Berliner Chic: A Locational History of Berlin Fashion, York humanities Professor Susan Ingram explores the emergence of Berlin as a fashion capital against a backdrop of politics, ideology and war. The launch of Berliner Chic will take place Wednesday, Feb. 2, from 4 to 6pm in the Senior Common Room, 010 […]

Professor Xu Xin of China to speak about Israel through Chinese eyes November 21

Religious studies Professor Xu Xin of Nanjing University in China will present his talk “Israel Through Chinese Eyes” later this month. The talk, presented by the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Centre for Jewish Studies at York, will take place Sunday, Nov. 21 at 3:30pm in W136 Executive Learning Centre, Seymour Schulich Building, Keele campus. The […]

York-based journal and book examine militarization of everyday life

A special double issue of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies – also being published as a book – examines the role that militarization plays in our lives and its effects on civic culture. “Cultures of Militarization,” edited by Jody Berland (right), professor in York’s Department of Humanities, and Blake Fitzpatrick, professor in the School […]

Upcoming symposium focuses on new directions in Victorian research

The Victorian Studies Network at York (VSNY) will delve into New Directions in Victorian Research at its third annual symposium this Friday. Faculty and students from English, history, political science, science & technology, and the Scott Library will discuss their current scholarship during the symposium, which will take place Oct. 22, from 10am to 2:45pm, […]

Professors launch memory and migration book at round table on cultural memory

Following the wars of the 20th century, how does cultural memory strengthen or undermine social and political cohesion in a time of global migrations? That question will be discussed at the upcoming round table, Memory Studies and the Identity Problem: A Cross Reading of European and Canadian Cultural Traditions. The round table will take place […]