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Glendon College

York U's Glendon campus serves as host for the Canada Prizes Award Ceremony May 7

Two books authored by individuals with connections to York University are among a group of scholarly works by Canadian academics that are in the running for a prestigious Canada Prize. The winners of the annual awards will be announced prior to the Canada Prizes ceremony on May 7, from 4:30 to 5:30pm, at the Centre […]

Glendon's Centre of Excellence wins a 2013 Toronto Urban Design Award

The Centre of Excellence at York University’s Glendon campus has won a 2013 Toronto Urban Design Award. The centre, which officially opened May 15, 2012, has enabled Glendon to broaden its range of programs and courses in response to the urgent need for increased postsecondary offerings in French in southern Ontario. The centre’s development was […]

Glendon College celebrates research in public affairs and languages

On Thursday, Nov. 8, Glendon College in conjunction with the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, will host a festival of research highlighting Glendon’s strengths in public affairs and languages. The Principal’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Research will also be presented at the event. “Glendon College is renowned for offering a bilingual education across a […]

New centre at Glendon expands French-language education

York University’s Glendon College will officially open the Centre of Excellence for French-language and Bilingual Postsecondary Education in a ceremony on May 15 at 9am. “I am proud that we are able to provide opportunities for the growing Francophone population right here at York’s Glendon Campus,” said Mamdouh Shoukri, president & vice-chancellor of York University. […]

Conference examines birth of modern liberalism in Spain

Scholars from Canada, Spain and Mexico will discuss the birth of liberalism amid the tumultuous struggles for independence in Spain during the 1800s, next week at Glendon. Cádiz, 1812: The Birth of Modern Liberalism will take place Wednesday, March 21, starting at 4pm in the Glendon Hall BMO Conference Centre, Glendon College. The event is free and everyone is […]

TEDxYorkU: Spreading great ideas with passion

York University will be making its sophomore contribution to a worldwide movement of talks and idea-sharing by hosting TEDxYorkU on March 10 at the Glendon campus. TED, which stands for technology, entertainment and design, is a series of not-for-profit conferences that started in 1984 in Silicon Valley as a way for employees of tech companies to share […]

Glendon primatologist talks orangutans, research and rainforests

Prominent Canadian primatologist and Glendon psychology Professor Anne Russon will talk about the Borneo Orangutan Society of Canada (BOS Canada) and their research projects in Kutai National Park this Thursday as part of the Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability Speaker Series. The talk, “Orangutans: Research & Rainforest Protection in Borneo”, will take place Nov. 10, […]

New directors appointed to five research centres

Five York professors have been appointed directors at York research centres.  The new directors are Professor Colin Coates, director of the Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies (RCCS); Professor Laurence Harris, director of the Centre for Vision Research (CVR); Professor Christina Kraenzle, director of the Canadian Centre for German & European Studies (CCGES); Professor David Mutimer, director of […]

Professor Jerzy Kowal,. Glendon's new associate principal academic & research, starts July 1

Professor Jerzy Kowal, chair of Glendon’s Department of Hispanic Studies, will take over as the new associate principal academic & research, starting July 1 for a three-year term. “Jerzy brings a broad range of experience to the position. He has chaired the Hispanic studies department for several years now. Beyond that, he has been chair […]

Professor Françoise Mougeon, Glendon's associate principal academic & research, steps down

Glendon’s Françoise Mougeon will be stepping down this July after completing her three-year term as the associate principal academic & research. “Françoise Mougeon has made a signal contribution to Glendon through her two tenures as associate principal academic & research,” said Glendon Principal Kenneth McRoberts. “Over these several years, Françoise could always be counted on […]