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Gordon Flett

Professor and CRC Gordon Flett on coping with psychological distress, the silent killer

If there was ever any doubt, Charlie Sheen is not winning, wrote May 12. While it was beauty that killed the beast, it was most likely pressure (brewed in wealth, drugs and women) that pushed Sheen from atop his skyscraper of a life: Gordon Flett, Canada Research Chair in Personality and Health, examines psychological […]

Perfectionist professors have lower research productivity, study shows

Professor Gordon Flett collaborated in the online psychology study Perfectionism is sometimes viewed as a positive personality trait to be rewarded or reinforced, but Dalhousie University psychology professor Simon Sherry believes it is mostly a self-defeating behaviour, wrote University Affairs, Jan. 12: In professors, the effect can be particularly pernicious: in a new study, Sherry […]

Four Canada Research Chairs renewed at York for $5.6 million

Four professors at York had their Canada Research Chairs (CRCs) renewed by the federal government yesterday, bringing $5.6 million to invest in their research at the University. Tier 1 CRCs were renewed for professors Gordon Flett, Eric Hessels and John Tsotsos. Professor Leah Vosko was awarded an Advancement Chair, taking her from a Tier 2 to […]

New mothers with socially-driven perfectionist tendencies at risk for postpartum depression

New mothers who think they should be perfect parents might be at risk for postpartum depression, a new study suggests, wrote July 7: The results show that a type of perfectionism in which individuals feel others expect them to be perfect, known as "socially-prescribed perfectionism," is associated with postpartum depression for first-time mothers. The […]

Steacie Library celebrates new open-access network on health research

York’s Steacie Science & Engineering Library will today celebrate the launch of PubMed Central (PMC) Canada, a new Canadian partner in an international network providing free or open access to health research. Faculty and graduate students are invited to find out how York University Libraries can help make their research available to the world through PMC […]