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New trends in eHealth the focus of York Leadership Roundtable

The Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation hosted a York Leadership Roundtable on May 8. The event brought together knowledge experts in business, industry, government and academia to discuss eHealth and connected solutions for health care delivery. The roundtable provided a forum for participants to discuss technological advancements, research partnerships and community collaborations for the benefit of […]

VPRI responds to the federal budget

Robert Haché, vice-president research & innovation, has issued this commentary on the federal budget to the York community. The recent federal budget reinforced the importance the government is placing on putting its fiscal house in order with some programs receiving cuts in excess of 10 per cent. Within that overall context of restraint is a welcome affirmation of […]

Workshop explores shared synergies in science & engineering

Leading researchers, industry representatives and academics in science and engineering from Canada and India are gathering today at York's Keele campus as part of a two-day Canada-India Frontiers workshop, which will explore new developments in science and engineering The first event of its kind, the workshop, which began yesterday and continues today, offers a forum for participants to share ideas, resources and technologies, and engage in discussions […]

Professor Emeritus Ronald Burke: What to say when your business takes a body-blow

Your small business has just taken a serious blow – a key customer cancelled a big order for the fall. How do you deliver the bad news in-house? It’s best to take an upfront, honest approach, wrote The Globe and Mail Sept. 9.   Share industry reports to support your case: “If the world is getting […]