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Professor Agnès Whitfield launches new translation studies series

Professor Agnès Whitfield launches new translation studies series

Cultures meet here in Canada, says Agnès Whitfield. Literary translation is an essential means of sharing heritages, yet it is a field too often overlooked and undervalued. That situation is about to improve with the launch of the first volume in a new series called Vita Traductiva. A joint initiative of the Research Group on […]

Celebrate Research Month this February

Celebrate Research Month this February

Research Month this February will celebrate the achievements and diversity of York University’s research community. Every Wednesday throughout the month, Vari Hall Rotunda will play host to displays and demonstrations featuring the University’s faculty and graduate researchers. Drop by to learn what they are up to. "Research Month provides an opportunity for the York community […]

Inclusion Day conference at York looks to build allies for equity

Inclusion Day conference at York looks to build allies for equity

What does equity look like for everyone? The upcoming Inclusion Day: Building Allies for Equity conference, hosted by York University’s Centre for Human Rights (CHR), will tackle the meaning of equity next Wednesday. The conference will take place on Inclusion Day, Jan. 18, from 11:30am to 8pm, at 280N York Lanes, Keele campus. Everyone is […]

Faculty of Health to celebrate its innovative research

Faculty of Health to celebrate its innovative research

Can exercise turn back the clock for aging muscles? Is aerobic or resistance exercise better for decreasing the risk of diabetes in youth? Those are just two of the questions researchers will discuss at the upcoming Faculty of Health Research Celebration. Robert Haché (left), York's vice-president research & innovation, and Harvey Skinner (below right), dean […]

York to celebrate innovative research in the Faculty of Science & Engineering

York to celebrate innovative research in the Faculty of Science & Engineering

The Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation will be hosting a series of research celebrations throughout the year to showcase and recognize innovative research underway in each of York's Faculties.  Monday's celebration titled, "Innovation in Space Science & Engineering", will feature presentations by Professors Mike Daly, Jim Whiteway and Regina Lee. The event will take place from 1 […]

Professor Jonathan Edmondson receives international prize from Spanish Museum

Professor Jonathan Edmondson receives international prize from Spanish Museum

They say two heads are better than one. Jonathan Edmondson, chair of York's Department of History, now has an extra one – a Roman bust. He received it from the National Museum of Roman Art in Spain as the 18th winner of the international prize, Protective Spirit of the Colony of Augusta Emerita (Genio Protector de la […]

Glendon Campus Project on sustainability launches website tomorrow

Glendon Campus Project on sustainability launches website tomorrow

Glendon has a rich history, including a forest containing some rare trees – one of which was brought over from China and once thought to be extinct. Professor Stuart Schoenfeld and Helen Psathas, senior manager, Environmental Design & Sustainability, will talk campus sustainability tomorrow at the launch of the Glendon Campus Project website. “Environmental History of the […]

Workshop explores shared synergies in science & engineering

Workshop explores shared synergies in science & engineering

Leading researchers, industry representatives and academics in science and engineering from Canada and India are gathering today at York's Keele campus as part of a two-day Canada-India Frontiers workshop, which will explore new developments in science and engineering The first event of its kind, the workshop, which began yesterday and continues today, offers a forum for participants to share ideas, resources and technologies, and engage in discussions […]

Professor Jonathan Weiss receives new researcher award

Professor Jonathan Weiss receives new researcher award

York psychology Professor Jonathan Weiss (MA '02, PhD ’07) has recently been awarded a Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) President’s New Researcher Award in recognition of his contribution to psychological knowledge in Canada. The award is, in part, based on the researcher’s record of early career achievement. For Weiss, that encompasses the research on developmental disabilities that […]

York researchers receive more than $11.9 million in SSHRC funding

York researchers receive more than $11.9 million in SSHRC funding

Researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at York University have been awarded more than $11.9 million from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The grants, part of $237 million in funding and awards recently announced, span across nine York Faculties and support research that improves the quality of life of Canadians, […]