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Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador

York leads pan-Canadian strategy roundtable on knowledge mobilization

York University recently initiated a roundtable discussion on the development of a Pan-Canadian strategy to advance and support knowledge mobilization led by the ResearchImpact-RéseauImpactRecherche (RIR), Canada’s Knowledge Mobilization Network.  The discussion was held at the University on Oct.24 and 25. During the roundtable, members of the York-led RIR Network, which included vice-presidents and research directors […]

David Phipps and York's KMb Unit named Canada's biggest influencers

David Phipps, director of York's Research Services and Knowledge Exchange, has been named the most influential knowledge broker in Canada, according to a report by Knowledge Mobilization Works, a consulting and training company based in Ottawa. The Canadian Knowledge Mobilization 100, a survey run by Knowledge Mobilization Works, asked respondents to rank the biggest influences of their […]