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modern novel

Want compassinate sons? Professor Raymond Mar says get them reading novels

If you follow the advice below, chances are, your son will turn into the kind of man you want him to be, wrote May 11, in a story about parenting advice for mothers: Encourage him to read novels. Ongoing studies at York University [by psychology Professor Raymond Mar and colleagues in the Faculty of […]

Third novel by English prof wrestles with what people believe

York English Professor Michael Helm likens writing novels to driving bumper to bumper at 120 kilometres an hour for half a day, and being emotionally and physically spent by the end. That’s on good days. “You have to concentrate so hard, but when you get out of the car, you’re just so exhausted. I always […]

Professor Michael Helm's novel reviewed in Edmonton Journal

Professor Michael Helm, assistant professor of English in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, has published his third novel, Cities of Refuge. Helm's novel has attracted media attention through reviews and interviews. Helm's brother, Richard, interviewed him about the novel May 2 in the Edmonton Journal: It's a tricky business this, writing about […]

Glendon prof's new Spanish language book looks at human playfulness

The main focus for Alejandro Zamora, a professor in Glendon’s Department of Hispanic Studies, is the study of the modern novel, including its philosophical and social issues, which he explores in his recently published book. Jugar por amor propio: Personajes lúdicos de la novela moderna (Playing for Self Esteem: Playful Characters in the Modern Novel) […]