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postdoctoral fellows

New faces: Six new postdoctoral fellows join the Faculty of Graduate Studies

In January, six new Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Postdoctoral Fellows joined the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) at York University. “I warmly welcome our most recent cohort of SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellows to York and congratulate them on being awarded this prestigious fellowship,” said Barbara Crow, FGS dean. “I wish them the […]

SSHRC awards more than $9.7 million to York researchers

Researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at York University have been awarded more than $9.7 million from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).The grants, part of over $200 million in funding and awards recently announced, will support York research that improves the quality of life of Canadians, while advancing knowledge and […]

York researchers awarded $7 million by NSERC

The Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) announced Wednesday that 60 researchers at York University have been awarded more than $7 million in NSERC grants, while eight graduate students have received a total of $318,500 in funding for scholarships and fellowships. The funding was awarded following national, peer-reviewed competitions conducted by NSERC.   […]

Two York profs receive Ontario Early Researcher Awards

York Professors Natasha Myers and Thilo Womelsdorf have been awarded $100,000 each in funding under the Ontario government’s Early Researcher Awards program.   Ontario’s Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation announced the awards Monday.  York University’s research investment of $50,000 will match the funds for the award. The Early Researcher Awards program helps promising, recently appointed […]

York researchers receive more than $11.9 million in SSHRC funding

Researchers, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at York University have been awarded more than $11.9 million from the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The grants, part of $237 million in funding and awards recently announced, span across nine York Faculties and support research that improves the quality of life of Canadians, […]

Postdoctoral fellow Stuart Henderson's book examines the hip scene in 1960s Yorkville

How is "hip" constructed? Is a culture of dissent ultimately a by-product of prevailing sociopolitical forces? Do countercultural events influence mainstream society? Those questions and more are at the core of Making the Scene: Yorkville and Hip Toronto in the 1960s, a new book by York postdoctoral fellow Stuart Henderson published this month by the University of Toronto Press. The […]