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York study finds self-help no help for certain personality types

A York University study finds that trying to cheer yourself up can actually bring you down, depending on your personality. The study, published this summer, examined the effects of exercises that build positivity on more than 250 participants. It found that people with needy personalities reported lower self-esteem after listening to three or four uplifting […]

York psychology grad links stress and skin health

It's not all in your head. There really is a connection between your emotional state and your skin, says psychologist Linda Papadopoulos [BA Hons. ’93], reported the Ottawa Citizen Sept. 10.  The Canadian-born-and-raised Papadopoulos has called Britain home for the past 14 years. She is known there as both a leading academic and as "Dr. […]

Professor Myriam Mongrain's psychology study on kindness attracts media coverage

There is karma in kindness. It seems that the Biblical adage of doing unto others, as you’d have them do unto you, pays off in happiness, reported the Toronto Star May 17: A York University study found that people who performed small acts of kindness – every day for five to 15 minutes for a […]

Professor Myriam Mongrain's study asks: Is there a scientific proof for karma?

Practicing small acts of kindness will make you a happier person, and the boost in mood stays with you for months, according to research out of York University. More than 700 people took part in a study that charted the effects of being nice to others, in small doses, over the course of a week. Researchers […]

Faculty of Health study: ‘Facebook narcissists’ may have self-esteem issue

You could be an online narcissist if you keep updating your status and posting pouty profile pictures on Facebook, wrote the International Business Times News Aug. 30: An analysis by researchers from York University’s Faculty of Health suggests that egotism and low self-esteem may be related to “greater online activity” among Facebook profiles of users […]