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YRDSB recognizes ABEL program director Janet Murphy for service to education

Teaching with technology is a good thing, and no one knows it better than Janet Murphy. The York Region District School Board (YRDSB) has awarded Murphy, director of York’s Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) on applied research program in the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation, an Outstanding Service Award. Under Murphy’s leadership, ABEL’s team […]

ABEL program seeks eCourse developer for Regional Adaptation Collaboration project (closes May 2)

The Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning program (ABEL), is seeking an eCourse Developer and technical support for the Regional Adaptation Collaboration project. More details, including salary details and how to apply, are available in the Research Jobs section. Please note that only resumes submitted through the described process will be considered. The posting closes May 2, […]

Professors Richardson and Ezzedeen on rise of telework

If you have caught on to just one technology fad over the last two decades, chances are you have teleworked in some way, be it to check business e-mails from your personal laptop, schedule an interview over your BlackBerry or send that very important presentation via your iPhone, wrote March 26: According to Julia […]

Professor Jennifer Jenson: Video game industry needs more women

Few mainstream video games are made – or marketed – with women in mind, even though nearly 40 per cent of video game players in the United States and Canada are female, wrote the Toronto Star March 4, in a story about two Vancouver women who own a game development company. The likely reason? Few women are […]

ABEL Summer Institute mobilizes new technology, best practices and partnerships to transform classroom learning

The Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) program has wrapped up another successful ABEL Summer Institute (ASI). The theme of the ninth annual ASI, which took place at York University from Aug. 23 to 25, was Creating the Future Now. The event welcomed some 200 delegates from across Ontario and Canada. The two-and-a-half-day professional learning event included keynote […]

Professor Philipp Angermeyer: Kids + txting rn’t killing the language

The idea that our dependence on technology is ruining the English language is not a new one, wrote The Globe and Mail Aug. 11: Members of the media, linguists and grammar gurus are on both sides, pushing and pulling over the implications associated with texting, blogging and e-mailing. Many who think language is being flushed […]

Ontario Centre of Excellence's Discovery 2010 was now, not next

Discovery 2010, the Ontario Centre of Excellence’s annual conference to showcase and celebrate Ontario innovation, is one of Ontario’s flagship programs that supports and promotes research at Ontario’s universities, colleges, research institutions and companies. Held May 17 and 18, Discovery 2010 was billed as “Where next Happens” for Clean Tech, Health Tech, High Tech and […]

Teaching and education: How to reach the iPod generation in school

Janet Murphy, project manager for the Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) at York University, participated in a panel at Canada 3.0 this week on learning in a digital society. The Stratford Gazette covered Murphy's remarks at the event in an article published May 12: The younger generations are living their lives with iPods blaring in […]

Video: Professor Ron Owston on professional learning and technology

Ron Owston, professor of education, director of the Institute for Research on Learning Technologies (IRLT), and co-director of the Technology Enhanced Learning Institute (TELi), spoke to teachers last week about his research in education, professional learning, and technology. Owston's presentation was part of a leadership symposium hosted by Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL), which supports […]

Are seniors losing out in the cellphone market?

In February, Barbara Crow will meet with her mother-in-law’s quilting bunch in Peterborough, her mother’s synagogue friends in Toronto and a group of retirees in Duncan, British Columbia. She and co-researcher Kim Sawchuk of Concordia University want to know whether and how seniors use cellphones. Right: Barbara Crow “Many senior citizens use these mobile technologies, […]