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Playwright discusses his recent work onstage in January

Toronto-based playwright and director of theatre and opera, Alistair Newton will digitally screen some of his work and engage in a discussion and Q&A with film Professor Marie Rickard, the master of York’s Winters College, in January. The event, Queering Theatre in Toronto, will take place Thursday, Jan 5, 2012, from 2 to 4pm in […]

Professor Priscila Uppal edits 2011 edition of The Best Canadian Poetry

Who knew that deep in the Canadian psyche lay a penchant for poems about bears, guns, drinking, war, fruit and Adam & Eve? Well, if you’d spent almost every waking second for two months reading thousands of poems from over 50 journals as York English Professor Priscila Uppal did, that’s just one of the things […]

AGYU launches its new season with the Raqs Media Collective

Tricky math and haunting messages accumulate in unresolved poetics this fall at the Art Gallery of York University (AGYU).  The AGYU invites you to "surge out there" as it joins with Raqs Media Collective: technological poets for an India in transition, to present their newest exhibit  Surjection. Of the current generation of Indian artists, the […]