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Book explores nasty underbelly of competition

Competition is a powerful force with an unrecognized and dangerous underbelly, says a York professor in his new book Agon Culture: Competition, Conflict and the Problem of Domination. Claudio Colaguori, a professor in York’s human rights and criminology programs, explores the idea that competition is not a biological drive as evolutionary thinkers believe, but a […]

Camilla Gibb offers insights from "The Beauty of Humanity Movement"

Late last semester, York's Canadian Writers in Person course and lecture series presented author Camilla Gibb reading from her latest book The Beauty of Humanity Movement (Doubleday, 2010). Special correspondent Chris Cornish (BA Hons. '04, MA '09) sent the following report to YFile.  The history of Vietnam lies in this bowl, for it is in Hanoi, the […]

Professor Priscila Uppal edits 2011 edition of The Best Canadian Poetry

Who knew that deep in the Canadian psyche lay a penchant for poems about bears, guns, drinking, war, fruit and Adam & Eve? Well, if you’d spent almost every waking second for two months reading thousands of poems from over 50 journals as York English Professor Priscila Uppal did, that’s just one of the things […]