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Strategic Research Plan consultation survey accessible online

Want to have your say about the development of York’s new Strategic Research Plan? Vice-President Research & Innovation Robert Haché invites the York University community to share their thoughts and perceptions with respect to research at York by participating in an online survey as part of the broader consultation process. The data gathered will help […]

Strategic Research Plan consultation workshops underway

Workshops, accessible to all members of the York community are currently underway throughout October and into November across the Keele and Glendon campuses, to engage the research community in examining York’s core values with respect to research, probing researcher perceptions and seeking to prioritize commitments regarding the support of research. Two workshops were recently held providing an opportunity […]

New schedule now available for community workshops on York's Strategic Research Plan

Are you interested in having a say about the development of York’s new Strategic Research Plan? Join Robert Haché, vice-president research & innovation, as he conducts a series of workshops with University community members to probe values and perceptions regarding research at York.  The feedback and discussion arising from these workshops will be used to inform […]

VP Research & Innovation launches community consultations about a new strategic research plan

Vice-President Research & Innovation Robert Haché officially launched a series of community consultations regarding a new Strategic Research Plan for the University at an open forum held last Tuesday at the Keele campus. The community consultations are an important part of a process to develop the plan. More than 150 members of the York community […]

Vice-president research & innovation to host open forum

Are you interested in having a say about the development of York’s new strategic research plan?  Join Vice-President Research & Innovation Robert Haché for an open forum to launch the consultation process for the University’s Strategic Research Plan 2013 – 2018. “The open forum will provide an opportunity for members of the York community to participate in […]

Career planning tool offers students online expertise

When students first arrive at York University's Career Centre they are sometimes confused about where to start with their career planning and job searches. They know they want fulfilling careers after graduation, but they aren’t always sure about the steps they need to get there. They have plenty of questions about where they should start and how to plan […]

VPRI seeks input from researchers on new strategic research plan

The Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation (VPRI) is launching a consultation process to seek input from the York University research community on the development of a new strategic research plan for 2013-2018.  The launch of the consultation process was announced in Senate on Thursday. VPRI will be advised in the consultation process by a […]

Five-nation VIVA! Project yields new book on community arts

Viva collaboration!   After five years of transnational research by educators and artists in Panama, Nicaragua, Mexico, the United States and Canada, the VIVA! Project is launching its new book, iVIVA! Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas, edited by project lead Deborah Barndt, a professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES) and coordinator of […]

ABEL Summer Institute unites teachers and techonology in August

Interactive technologies have revolutionized how we communicate, collaborate and generate ideas and knowledge. How do these changes affect classrooms? How do teachers stay ahead of the curve, and at the same time prepare students for the future? These questions and more will be explored in the ninth annual Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning (ABEL) 2010 Summer Institute (ASI 2010) […]

Tubman Centre's workshop to discuss 35,000-record Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database

Tracing the various routes of slavery is the goal of Voyages, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, which has records of over 35,000 voyages and is the topic of an upcoming workshop hosted by York’s Harriet Tubman Institute for Research on the Global Migrations of African Peoples and the African Economic History journal. “Documenting where people […]