Our Buildings
The buildings we provide access to include:
- Farquharson Life Science Building (FLS) - YUCard
- Farquharson Life Science Building (FLS) Vivaria - White Access Card
- Life Science Building (LSB) - White Access Card & YUCard
- Lumbers Building (LB) - White Access Card & YUCard
Key Request Application Process
- Fill in the Key and Access Card Request Form for both NEW access and EXTENSION of current access.
- The form will be automatically sent to your Manager/Supervisor upon completion.
- Your Manager/Supervisor will forward the approved form to the Biology Accounts Assistant at bioaccts@yorku.ca
- The Biology Accounts Assistant will contact you when your keys are ready for pickup.
- Research Staff and Students are required to pay a $15 deposit per key. A $10 refund per key will be issued upon return.
Required Information
- Employee or Student Number
- York University email address
- Start and End Date of Access
- A copy of your Required Certification Documents (WHMIS II, BioSafety, etc.)