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Academic Support

Biomedical Physics

What is Biomedical Physics? Biomedical Physics is an interdisciplinary frontier of science in which the principles and techniques of physics are applied to study living things and how they work. Biophysicists are also involved in applying their knowledge of fundamental physics to develop and implement new techniques for analyzing organisms. Biophysicists may even facilitate the […]

Physics and Astronomy

What Physics Is Physics is a discipline of science concerned at a fundamental level with the workings of matter and energy and their interactions. The focus of attention ranges from systems with few variables to arenas of mind-boggling complexity. Branches of physics dedicated to the latter include astrophysics, atmospheric physics, and geophysics. What Astronomy Is Astronomy is […]

Undergraduate Overview

Welcome to the Department of Physics and Astronomy We offer two programs that lead to a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree. Click on a program of interest to learn more about it. Quick Links Physics and Astronomy Biomedical Physics Study Options The various options for study are summarized in the table below. There is a […]


Here is the contact information for: Department of Physics and AstronomyUndergraduate Program in Physics and AstronomyUndergraduate Program in BiophysicsGraduate Program in Physics and Astronomy Department of Physics and Astronomy General Inquiries Email: phas@yorku.caPhone: (416) 736-5249Office: Room 128, Petrie Science and Engineering BuildingWebsite: Chair Professor Tom KirchnerEmail: chphas@yorku.caPhone: (416) 736-2100 x 33695Office: Room 125, Petrie Science […]