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Department of Physics and Astronomy

Biophysics Contest for High School Students

Biophysics is a burgeoning frontier of physics, but few people in society know what it is about. To help fill the knowledge gap and in turn attract talented students to the field, the Department of Physics and Astronomy hosts a contest for high school students. Guided by examples in the biophysical realm, students are asked […]

2024 High School Teachers Night

The Department of Physics and Astronomy holds a special evening for high-school physics teachers. The event is intended to: 1) maintain connections with the high school teaching community, 2) familiarize teachers with current events in the physical sciences, especially contributions to research being made at York, and bring teachers and professors together to discuss common […]

Allan I. Carswell Astronomical Observatory

Located on the York University campus, the Allan I. Carswell Astronomical Observatory houses two large telescopes, primary mirror diameters for which are 60 cm and 100 cm (1 meter). Both are equipped with state-of-the-art electronic cameras. The one-meter telescope, which was installed in the summer of 2019, is the largest telescope on a university campus in […]


Student life at York University is enriched through engagement with clubs. Clubs offer opportunities to interact informally with students and professors with similar interests. There are three clubs associated with the Department of Physics and Astronomy. Astronomy Club Are you fascinated by the stars and the mysteries of the universe, own a telescope or wish to […]

Undergraduate Accolades

Achievements of undergraduates in the Department of Physics and Astronomy are honoured with a variety of accolades in the form of awards, prizes, medals, and scholarships. Additionally, students who desire to engage in research over the summer with a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy may apply for an Undergraduate Summer Research Award (USRA), […]

Research Internships

There are many paid internship opportunities that enable undergraduate students to engage in research. General Astronomy and Astrophysics Biological Physics High Energy and Particle Physics Planetary Physics Connect with Physics and Astronomy

Undergraduate Handbooks

Below are present and past Handbooks for the Undergraduate Programs in Physics & Astronomy and Biophysics/Biomedical Physics. See also our one-page summary handout: Useful Information for BPHS and PHAS Majors Topics Covered in the Handbooks Summary of Support ServicesTimetable of CoursesProgram InformationCareersInternshipsB.Sc. Bachelor and B.Sc. Honours PathsDegree ClassificationsWhich Path Should you Choose?Entrance RequirementsDegree RequirementsAdvice About […]

Degree Requirements and Courses

Here is where to go to get detailed information about degree requirements and courses for undergraduate programs offered by York University. Program Handbooks Although not official University documents, the most comprehensive and readable sources of information about the Programs offered by the Department of Physics and Astronomy are the Undergraduate Handbooks. Handbooks for the Undergraduate […]

Biomedical Physics

What is Biomedical Physics? Biomedical Physics is an interdisciplinary frontier of science in which the principles and techniques of physics are applied to study living things and how they work. Biophysicists are also involved in applying their knowledge of fundamental physics to develop and implement new techniques for analyzing organisms. Biophysicists may even facilitate the […]

Physics and Astronomy

What Physics Is Physics is a discipline of science concerned at a fundamental level with the workings of matter and energy and their interactions. The focus of attention ranges from systems with few variables to arenas of mind-boggling complexity. Branches of physics dedicated to the latter include astrophysics, atmospheric physics, and geophysics. What Astronomy Is Astronomy is […]