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How teamwork is evaluated outside of academia

Qualitative evaluation of the implementation of the Interdisciplinary Management Tool: a reflective tool to enhance interdisciplinary teamwork using Structured, Facilitated Action Research for Implementation

“This paper presents the qualitative evaluation of the Interdisciplinary management tool (IMT), an evidence-based change tool designed to enhance interdisciplinary teamwork through structured team reflection. The IMT incorporates three components: an evidence-based resource guide; a reflective implementation framework based on structured, facilitated action research for implementation methodology; and formative and summative evaluation components…The IMT successfully […]

Measuring teamwork mental models to support training needs assessment, development, and evaluation: two empirical studies

“The second study tested the effects of a computer-based training (CBT) strategy that was designed to develop teamwork mental models that were more similar to the ‘expert model’ described in Study 1.” (p.179) “After one-hour of training with the CBT tool, trainees were more consistent in representing their teamwork mental models as assessed by the […]

The importance of multidisciplinary teamwork and team climate for relational coordination among teams delivering care to older patients

“Relational coordination was measured by the Relational Coordination survey; team climate by the  Team Climate Inventory and questions were asked about participation in multidisciplinary team meetings and disciplines represented in these meetings…The number of disciplines represented during multidisciplinary team meetings and team climate were positively related with relational coordination. The multilevel analysis showed a positive […]

Content Validation and Evaluation of an Endovascular Teamwork Assessment Tool

“Robust assessment and training of team skills using Endo-OTAS has the potential to facilitate improvements in interdisciplinary team performance and, in turn, clinical outcomes.” (p.11) Hull, L., Bicknell, C., Patel, K., Vyas, R., Herzeele, I. V., Sevdalis, N., & Rudarakanchana, N. (2016). Content Validation and Evaluation of an Endovascular Teamwork Assessment Tool. European Journal of […]

An Evaluation Of Generic Teamwork Skills Training With Action Teams: Effects On Cognitive And Skill-Based Outcomes

“Participants engaged in a modified version of the Distributed Dynamic Decision (DDD) making Simulation…The objective of the simulation is to maximize the number of team points…” (p.649) “Results indicated that training significantly increased declarative knowledge within the team as evidenced by improved scores on Stevens and Campion’s Teamwork KSA Test.” (p.663) “Teamwork-KSA test, related to […]

Collective Cognition in Action: Accumulation, Interaction, Examination, and Accommodation in the Development and Operation of Group Efficacy Beliefs in the Workplace

“One common method provides a group with a rating scale to use in forming a single response obtained through open discussion.,,By focusing on direct interaction within the group, this approach begins to address collective origins and development of the construct but does not allow assessments of sharedness, unless paired with other measures. A popular alternative […]