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All Campuses

Capstone Day Event Schedule

Join us virtually on April 29th for York Capstone Day, an annual showcase where students from any Faculty at York can present their completed capstone and pre-capstone projects and compete for awards! Highlights of York Capstone Day include: Panel Discussions with students, alumni, and partners: 9 AM to 4 PMProfessional Development activities: 10 AM to […]

Development of Robotic Arm for Automated Cancer Drug Discovery

Partnership with the Stem Cell Engineering Lab Project Summary Drug testing requires an incredibly high number of repeated tests, with more than nine million trials being typical in the average screening process. Our project aims to automate a portion of this process by minimizing the amount of time the lab technician spends handling plates of […]

Be a climate change hero by simply tending to your own front lawn!

Partnership with Markham Environmental Advisory Committee (MEAC) Project Summary When we first began our project we focused on goals set by Markham’s municipality and worked to support its community’s transition from fossil fuel property maintenance devices (i.e. lawnmowers, snowblowers, etc.) to devices powered by renewable energy sources. Over time, we expanded on this idea and […]

Fuel Efficiency Enhancement System for a Refrigeration Truck

Project Summary Refrigerated trucks (RT) typically carry an extra diesel engine and therefore require extra fuel to power their large, refrigerated trailers (even though 60% of the energy in the truck’s main engine is wasted as heat). Our system changes this reality and uses this energy waste to power the refrigeration cycle of RTs. The […]

Adaptive Reuse Of The Abraham Hoover House

Project Summary Located within York Universities' campus, there is an abandoned timber structure in need of rehabilitation. Our team plans to revitalize the structure and the surrounding area by restoring its once historically rich appearance while also providing infrastructure for the site to be used in new ways. Our project will implement two timber barn-like […]

Raising Awareness of Challenges Faced by Low-Income Residents to Region of Peel Advocates for Change

Partnership with Peel Poverty Reduction Committee and Brampton Environmental Alliance Project Summary Our project is a housing and transportation dashboard available online and accessible to anyone who uses the internet. On this dashboard, we highlight information about housing and transportation challenges in the Region of Peel. We shine a light on low-income and vulnerable communities […]


Project Summary Yu-Access is an application that aims to help all York University students transition from online to in-person learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Yu-Access offers features such as an interactive map that will help students navigate around campus, a booking feature that allows students to reserve a seat in their preferred public spaces […]

Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Agri-tourism Conceptual Plan

Partnership with the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville Project Summary The question we were given was “How can agri-tourism be used as an opportunity for growth in rural areas to attract people and business?” To tackle this problem, we worked closely with the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville in the York Region and chose to focus on four interconnected […]

Interactive System to Improve Students' Experience

Project Summary During the pandemic, many changes have impacted our lives. Things have been unpredictable and we needed to quickly adapt to new ways of living and communicating with one another. In response to this situation, we designed an interactive system to improve students' commuting and studying experiences. By using this system and becoming one […]

VenU: An Immersive Virtual Event Platform

Project Summary One of the biggest problems with virtual events today is that they often lack a sense of organic networking and social interaction. VenU is an immersive virtual platform that allows users to organize and participate in events that are equivalent to their in-person counterparts. With customized 3-D spaces, live video avatars, and spatial […]