Kick-Off & Connect
Date: Monday, December 11, 2023
Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm
Location: LAS 3033, 3rd floor Lassonde Building--Keele Campus
This gathering is part of our grassroots efforts, born out of our collective personal and professional experiences with the EDI and WiCSE committees at the EECS department, POLARIS, and active involvement in Canadian Computing Associations like Can-CWIC. These experiences have inspired us to take a proactive step by collaborating with the Center for Feminist Research (CFR) to further enhance our community using the wealth of expertise available at York.
Our vision is centered around building a community and support network to ease the academic journey and provide valuable support and mentorship. Your participation in this event will contribute to the creation of a more connected and supportive environment for all of us. This gathering will offer a wonderful opportunity to meet colleagues, shape future sessions for the upcoming year, and share ideas for how to make community for inclusive and supportive.
Come join us for an hour of camaraderie over refreshments!