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Dahdaleh Institute Hosts Critical Perspectives in Global Health Workshop


Published on December 17, 2019

On December 4th, 2019, the Dahdaleh Institute brought together diverse researchers at York University for Critical Perspectives in Global Health.

Hosted by James Orbinski, Director of the Dahdaleh Institute, the workshop saw nine presenters discuss critical global health research that is taking place or planned at York University, which contribute to the themes of Planetary Health, Global Health and Humanitarianism, and Global Health Foresighting. Presenters addressed growing global health challenges such as the impacts of climate change, antimicrobial resistance and global urbanization.

The organizing committee, which included Eric Mykhalovskiy, Dr. Marina Marrow, Rhonda Ferguson, Sarah Flicker, Stephen Gill, Maggie MacDonald, and Roger Keil, sought a critical social science with global public health that engages directly with global public health actors to transform public health, while remaining committed to social science theory and methodology.

As part of the broader initiative to stimulate and nurture research in this area, five research seed grants of up to $5,000 will be granted. Recipients will be invited to present at a follow up Dahdaleh Institute workshop held in May 2020.


Maggie MacDonald, Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director, Department of Anthropology. “Anthropology of Global Maternal Health”
Safieh Shah, Faculty Member, European Research Initiative, World Health Organization. “Female Genitalia: From Oblivion to Equivalency”
Adele Cassola, Postdoctoral Researcher, Global Strategy Lab. “Global Gender Norms, Health, and Humanitarian Response: A Comparative Analysis of Organizational Practices in Diverse Settings”
Isaac Weldon, Research Fellow, Global Strategy Lab. “Toward a Planetary Politics for Planetary Health: AMR and Levels of Analysis in International Relations”
Kelly Thomson, School of Administrative Studies. “Professional Insecurities: Examining the relationship between identity safety, moral agency, and patient safety”
Mary E. Wiktorowicz, Professor, Health Policy and Management Faculty of Health. “Accountability mechanisms in financial aid programs for malaria: Analysing current challenges”
Rajiv Nariani, Science Librarian, York University. “Research Metrics: How do they inform us”
Homa Hedayat, Visiting Scholar, City Institute at York University. “Assessing the Effects of Different Urban morphology Form on Social Sustainability”
Rhonda Ferguson, Research Fellow, Global Migration and Health, Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research. “Assessing the Impact of Temporality on the Wellbeing of Forcibly Displaced People”



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Mary E. Wiktorowicz, Interim Director - Active

James Orbinski, Director [F17-F24] - Alum

Rhonda Ferguson, Research Fellow, Global Health Visioning - Alum

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