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2nd Entry Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)

The School of Nursing is offering students who are starting in Fall 2024 an optional BScN undergraduate streams covering topics in areas including mental health, and acute/critical care.

2nd Entry BScN Program (Effective Fall 2022)

DegreeBachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
Program Option(s)

The School of Nursing’s 2nd Entry Program, which is approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario, builds on prior university learning and is available to students who have completed a university degree in any discipline or have 60 credits or more toward a university degree. The program builds on this prior university learning thus enabling students to complete the program in two calendar years through concentrated and continuous learning in six-semester.

The program uses transformative teaching/learning strategies that blend theory and practice to develop intentional, reflective and socially responsive practitioners to ensure health for all through nursing excellence. Interprofessional thinking and collaboration are integrated throughout the program, culminating in a nursing capstone course which aligns with a final practicum experience. Students learn to partner, advocate and lead in the provision of care though opportunities that foster in-depth knowledge, critical thinking, lifelong scholarship, and professional development.

Length of Program

The 2nd-Entry Program is a 2-year full-time program and there is no part-time option. Students complete the program in two calendar years which includes the summer semesters and celebrate their achievement at the Fall convocation ceremony. Information relevant to each term (e.g., classes and exams start/end dates, reading week, holidays, etc.) are listed on the Registrar’s Office important dates webpage.

2nd Entry Admission Requirements (Effective FW25)

  • Completion of at least 60 credits at a recognized university prior to admission
  • Overall average of 3.0 (B) or better on a 4-point scale (or equivalent) and a 3.3 (B+) or better on a 4-point scale (or equivalent) in the last year of study (or last 30 credits)
  • The 60 credits must include the following:
    • 6.0 credits in Psychology* (Psychology Statistics and Research Methods do not fulfill this requirement)
    • 6.0 credits in Human Anatomy and Physiology, OR 3.0 credits in Human Anatomy and 3.0 credits in Human Physiology
    • 3.0 credits in Statistics
    • 3.0 credits in Microbiology
    • Note: Each prerequisite course must be completed with a grade of B or better

Transfer Credits: Transfer credits are not awarded for any nursing courses.

Note: Meeting the minimum requirements outlined above, does not ensure admission to the program.

In order to complete missing prerequisites, non-York student applicants may take courses (pending space availability) as visiting/non-degree students at York. Students are asked to contact the relevant department directly. If you are interested in coming to York University as a visiting student more information can be at Admission and Application Procedures for Visiting Students.

Admissions Process & Application Deadline

You can submit your application through the Ontario Universities Application Centre (OUAC). The application deadline is February 3rd for admission in September. You must submit official transcripts for University level studies completed and provide proof of enrolment for courses in progress by the application deadline date, as well as other supporting documents (official transcripts, etc.). Transfer students from other nursing programs are not accepted into the program. Note: Students enrolled in another BScN program at York or any other university are not permitted to transfer into the 2nd Entry BScN program.

Note: Offers of admission for Nursing will begin after the deadline (February 3rd) has passed. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission

Transfer Credits

Once accepted into the program, the Office of Admissions will assist you with determining eligibility for transfer credit(s). We are not able to assess prerequisite course equivalence prior to submission of your application. Please visit the Admission webpage for details about the admission process or contact the Admission Client Services Representative ( or 416-736-5000).

Applicants who fail to meet conditions will not be permitted to start the program (i.e., cannot enrol) and will have to re-apply to the program.

Internationally Educated Applicants

All students, irrespective of where they have studied (e.g., outside of Canada and the United States) are subject to the same criteria noted above. The Admission and Application Procedures for International Students provides information about fees & expenses, scholarships & awards, application process, language requirements, and more. York International provides support to international students to ensure their success (visit York International).

Note: you will not be authorized to practice nursing following graduation. You must meet the College’s requirements which includes proof of Citizenship, permanent residency or authorization to practice nursing in order to register with the College. The College of Nurses of Ontario registration requirements provides details for Authorization to Work.

The study plan is detailed below and the York University Faculty of Health School of Nursing Supplemental Calendar provides information on academic advising and support, course descriptions, academic standing, policies and procedures, resources and student life, and other helpful information of interest to you.

2nd Entry BScN Program – 6-term (90 credits, with 60 credits transferred on admission = 150 credits)

Year 1 (15 + 15 + 15 credits)

Term 1 (F) Term 2 (W) Term 3 (S)
NURS 1512 3.00 Reflection and Theory-based Practice in Professional Nursing  NURS 2513 3.00 Ethics and Health Equity in Interprofessional Practice  NURS 3512 3.00 Nursing in the Context of Global and Environmental Health
NURS 3001 3.00 The Canadian Health Care System  NURS 2514 3.00 Introduction to Social Justice and Advocacy in Nursing Practice  NURS 3514 3.00 Leadership, Change and Innovation
NURS 1543 3.00 Health Assessment  NURS 2535 3.00 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Knowledge Integration I  NURS 2536 3.00 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Knowledge Integration II  
NURS 3515 3.00 Evidence-informed Nursing Practice: Research and Inquiry  NURS 3510 6.00 Partnering with Communities
NURS 3510P 0.00
Practicum for HH/NURS 3510 6.00
NURS 2547 6.00 Mental Health Across the Lifespan 
NURS 2547P 0.00
Practicum for HH/NURS 2547 6.00
NURS 2543 3.00 Health of Families and Social Groups

Year 2 (15 + 15 + 15)

Term 4 (F) Term 5 (W) Term 6 (S)
NURS 4516 3.00 Development as a Professional NurseNURS 3517 3.00 Critical Reflection and Clinical Reasoning in PracticeNURS 4528 3.00 Nursing Knowledge and Transition
Nursing Elective 3.00
(3000 level +)
Nursing Elective 3.00
(3000 level +)
NURS 4531 3.00 Professional Scholarship: Capstone Project
NURS 3537 3.00 Pathophysiology, Pharmacology and Knowledge Integration III  NURS 4524 3.00 Trends in Healthcare DeliveryNURS 4527 9.00 Integrated
NURS 3511 6.00 Episodic and Common Health Challenges
NURS 3511P 0.00 Practicum for HH/NURS 3511 6.00
NURS 4526 6.00 Acute and Complex Health Challenges
NURS 4526P 0.00 Practicum for HH/NURS 4526 6.00

2nd Entry Program FAQ

Upon admission, you must have completed at least 60 university credits (equivalent to at least 10 full university courses). Admission offers made to students currently in their second year will be conditional upon completion of their current year with 60 credits and all requirements of the program, which include 9.00 credits at the 3000 level.

A minimum of 60 credits with a cumulative average of B (6.0 on York scale) and minimum B+ (7.0) average in your last 30 credits (5 full courses). Please refer to the admission requirements.

Note: Meeting minimum requirements outlined above does not ensure admission to the program.

The program is designed so that no matter what the background of the student, they can succeed within the program. The various backgrounds that students present will bring important knowledge and understanding to nursing.

All documents will be assessed only by the Admissions department when a complete application package is submitted. Please see the admission requirements for the program.

Offers of admission cannot be deferred for future admission. If you decline an offer of admission and want to enter into the program in a subsequent year, you must reapply for that year. No special consideration will be provided based on your previous success of admission.

There are a number of courses that may meet the requirements for Human Anatomy and Physiology. As a general rule for your consideration, most courses titled Human Anatomy, Human Physiology or Human Anatomy and Physiology would be appropriate to meet part of or the entire requirement for anatomy and physiology. Please note that courses in animal physiology, animal anatomy or both are not equivalent.

All students are required to complete the BScN program in its entirety with no transfer of credits.

As a current York student, who will not be graduating next year, you can apply to the program by submitting a "Program Change" request form. Students who wish to transfer into the program must have all of the program requirements prior to starting the program.

Applications should be submitted by the deadline date with all prerequisite courses completed. If you are missing prerequisites at the time of application, send proof of enrolment, and you may be conditionally admitted. Final transcripts for missing prerequisite courses need to be submitted immediately after completion. Prerequisite courses cannot be completed concurrently while enrolled in the 2nd entry BScN program at York.

We strongly recommend that prerequisite courses be completed or are in progress at the time of application. Students who fail to produce transcripts that meet conditional admission requirements will not be permitted to continue in the program.

If you would really like to apply to medical school, you should contact the office of admissions of the university you are interested in regarding the admission requirements for their medical school. The BScN program is designed to help students who commit themselves to studying nursing science. At York we offer a number of programs that prepare students for entry into medical school. Please contact the department of Kinesiology & Health Science or the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

The 2nd entry BScN program at York is not offered through distance education. It is a full-time program that requires onsite attendance five days per week.

Please visit the website at Future Students - Admission Requirements for information about English facility requirements and contact information. York University also offers services, including testing, to help students for whom English is not their first language.

The 2nd entry BScN program accepts students from any program at York or other accredited Universities provided that they meet the program requirements. If you are interested in becoming a nurse and you are a high school student, York, in partnership with Seneca and Georgian College offers a direct degree entry, four-year program in nursing. Please visit the School of Nursing main webpage for more information.

All BScN students are required to take a licensing examination administered by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) upon successful completion of the program in order to practice nursing in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada. The Registered Nurse (RN) certificate that you receive will enable you to work in health care agencies/hospitals as a qualified RN.

Housing information: Please visit the York Housing Website

Student Services: York University provides a variety of student services to assist students with concerns of student life. They also provide opportunities for students to connect with each other, the campus community and surrounding areas. Visit the following Future Students webpage for details: Future Students

For information regarding scholarships visit York's scholarship webpage at: Future Students - Scholarships

Keele Campus Map: Campus Map Webpage. The School of Nursing at York University is located in Building 31, the Health, Nursing, & Environmental Studies Building.

Students in the program have the same breaks and holidays as other York students enrolled in courses during the Fall, Winter and Summer semesters. Please see the Registrar webpage for important dates: Registrar's Office - Important Dates

In the 2nd entry BScN program at York, students begin their first practicum placement in week 6 of the first semester focusing on lifespan and wellness.

Students following graduation can obtain temporary licenses and work while waiting to write the registration exam or for the results. Visit the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) webpage- Registration Guide for more details.

If you have additional inquiries you can contact the program by sending us an email at:, or contact the program office at 416-736-2100 ex 30011. You may also visit us in person on the third (3) Floor of the Health, Nursing & Environmental Studies Building (HNES- No. 31 on map).

Registration Requirements for the 2nd Entry Program

To practice nursing in Canada, all graduates of a BScN program must complete and pass a registration exam, the NCLEX-RN. The designation of the title Registered Nurse (RN) is regulated in Ontario by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). To qualify to write the registration exam graduates must provide proof of Canadian Citizenship, permanent resident status, or authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to practice nursing.

For more details please visit the CNO Website.

The nursing program at York University is approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario and is designed to lead to eligibility for professional registration as a nurse in Ontario. The College of Nurses of Ontario publishes the Entry Level Competencies that are required to enter the profession in Ontario. To achieve these competencies a student needs to possess certain essential skills and abilities.  These include cognitive, communicative, behavioural, psychomotor, sensory and environmental capacities, all of which are essential for professional practice.  They can be found on the College of Nurses website under Requisite Skills and Abilities for Nursing Practice in Ontario [PDF].