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Post-RN Internationally Educated Nurses BScN Program

The School of Nursing is offering students who are starting in Fall 2022 an optional BScN undergraduate streams covering topics in areas including mental health, and acute/critical care.

Post-RN Internationally Educated Nurses BScN Program (Effective Fall 2022)

DegreeSpecialized Honours Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) (120 credits; 60 transferred on admission and 60 credits taken in program)
Program Option(s)Specialized Honours — 120 credits
Offered bySchool of Nursing

The Post-RN International Educated Nurses (IEN) Program, which is approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario, is specifically designed for internationally registered nurses who graduated from nursing programs outside of Canada. The program recognizes the strengths of internationally registered nurses educated outside of Canada and provides a 20-month program to enable students to transition to the Canadian healthcare system, demonstrate entry-to-practice competencies, and meet specific College requirements to become members who can practice with the title “Registered Nurse” in Canada. The program provides students with professional development learning opportunities to enhance their abilities to begin their nursing careers in Canada.

The program uses transformative teaching/learning strategies that blend theory and practice to develop intentional, reflective and socially responsive practitioners to ensure health for all through nursing excellence. Interprofessional thinking and collaboration are integrated throughout the program, culminating in a final practicum experience. Students learn to partner, advocate and lead in the provision of care through opportunities that foster in-depth knowledge, critical thinking, lifelong scholarship, and ongoing professional development.

Length of Program

The Post-RN IEN Program is a 20-months full-time program and there is no part-time option. Students complete the program in five (5) terms which includes the summer term of Year 1 and celebrate their achievement at the Spring convocation ceremony in the following year. Information relevant to each term (e.g., classes and exams start/end dates, reading week, holidays, etc.) are listed on the Registrar’s Office important dates webpage.

This program is designed for internationally educated nurses who meet the following eligibility requirements:

NEW: Application now open to both domestic and visa applicants

  • Are licensed Registered Nurse in their home jurisdiction 
  • Not currently licensed as a Registered Nurse with the College of Nurses of Ontario 

Required Documentation

  • Letter from the College of Nurses of Ontario verifying that you have completed a College of Nurses of Ontario evaluation (diploma education equivalency)
  • Transcripts from your educational institution(s)
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  • Attained at least a minimum score on one (1) language proficiency test (for acceptable language tests, please visit:  Future Students - Language Proficiency Requirements Webpage.

Application Process & Deadline

You can submit your application through the Ontario University Application Centre . The deadline to apply is March 1 for admission in September. You must submit required documents within one week of receiving the acknowledgement e-com with the York reference number. You can upload the required documents through MyFile:

  • Letter from the College of Nurses of Ontario verifying that you have completed a College of Nurses of Ontario evaluation (diploma education equivalency)
  • Transcripts from your educational institution(s)
  • Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  • Language proficiency test score

You must submit official transcripts for University level studies completed and provide proof of enrolment for courses in progress by the application deadline date, as well as other supporting documents (official transcripts, etc.).

Note: Offers of admission for Nursing will begin after the deadline has passed. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Transfer Credits

Once accepted into the program, the Office of Admissions will assist you with determining eligibility for transfer credit(s). Please visit the Admission webpage for details about the admission process or contact the Admission Client Services Representative ( or 416-736-5000).

Please note: Transfer credits are not awarded for any nursing courses.

Students who are offered conditional admission must satisfy the condition(s) as outlined in the offer letter. Applicants who fail to meet conditions will not be permitted to start the program (i.e., cannot enrol) and will have to re-apply to the program.

The study plan is detailed below and the York University Faculty of Health School of Nursing Supplemental Calendar provides information on academic advising and support, course descriptions, academic standing, policies and procedures, resources and student life, and other helpful information of interest to you.

Post-RN IEN Program(60 credits, with 60 credits transferred on admission = 120 credits)

Year 1 (12 + 15 + 12 credits)

Term 1 (F) Term 2 (W) Term 3 (S)
NURS 3513 3.00 Development as a Nurse through Reflection and Theory-based Practice  NURS 2513 3.00 Ethics and Health Equity in Interprofessional PracticeNURS 3512 3.00 Nursing in the Context of Global and Environmental Health
NURS 1543 3.00 Health AssessmentNURS 3901 3.00 Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological Practices NURS 3515 3.00 Evidence-informed Nursing Practice: Research and Inquiry  
NURS 3001 3.00 The Canadian Health Care System  NURS 2300 3.00 Statistical Methods in Healthcare Research (or equivalent)NURS 2547 6.00 Mental Health Across the Lifespan
NURS 2547P 0.00 Practicum for HH/NURS 2547 6.00
NURS 2543 3.00 Health of Families and Social GroupsNURS 3510 6.00
Partnering with Communities
NURS 3510P 0.00
Practicum for HH/NURS 3510 6.00

Year 2 (12 + 9 credits)

Term 4 (F) Term 5 (W)
NURS 4517 3.00 Evolving as a Professional Nurse  NURS 4528 3.00 Nursing Knowledge and Transition
NURS 3514 3.00 Leadership, Change and InnovationNURS 4529 6.00 Integrated
NURS 4526 6.00 Acute and Complex Health
NURS 4526P 0.00 Practicum for HH/NURS 4526 6.00

Post-RN Internationally Educated Nurses BScN Program

DegreeBachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN)
Program Option(s)Specialized Honours — 120 credits
Offered bySchool of Nursing

The International Educated Nurse BScN program has been developed in response to the need for registered nurses educated outside of Canada to meet the requirements to obtain the Canadian credentials for employment in Ontario.

York’s program allows students to build on the strengths they already have so they can more quickly obtain the Canadian credentials they need for employment in Ontario, Canada. We provide a program specifically designed to enhance the practice of internationally educated nurses to practice safely and competently within the Canadian context. In addition, the program provides professional mentoring opportunities which include support, clinical guidance, and the exploration of career choices. Graduates receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN) degree in 20 months of concentrated and continuous six semesters. On completion of the program the student is qualified to write the NCLEX-RN.

Within the program, teachers and students are partners in a dynamic and responsive collaborative process of discovery. Through dialogue, modeling, practice, reflective thinking, and experiential group process, we create a diverse community of learners that encourages each student to find their own voice. We encourage you to question and critical think about conventional assumptions and practices and help you gain the insights and skills that will prepare you to contribute to the evolution of health care in Canada.

Graduates of this and other programs in the School of Nursing at York will be well qualified in a wide range of nursing areas including institutional and community settings, public health promotion, education and program development in the rapidly growing health services and management sector. The program offers the building blocks that will prepare you to assume roles as practice leaders, educators and/or managers in Canada.

This is an exciting program specifically designed for internationally educated nurses who are not currently registered in Ontario. The program, which takes only 20 months to complete as a full-time student and leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN degree). Once you complete the program you will be qualified to take your NCLEX-RN Exam.

Eligibility into the Program

  • be a licensed Registered Nurse in your home jurisdiction
  • be a resident of Ontario (landed immigrant, Canadian citizen or convention refugee)
  • College of Nurses of Ontario evaluation (diploma education equivalency)

How to Apply

You must submit the following by or prior to the application deadline:

Offer of Admission

Conditional Offers: Students who are offered a conditional admission must satisfy the conditionsprior to the start of the program. Applicants who fail to meet conditions will not be permitted to start the program and/or will be de-enrolled.

Transfer Credits: Transfer credits are not awarded for any nursing courses.

CASPer™ Test

Effective Winter 2022 admissions cycle, applicants will no longer need to complete a CASPer test.

Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics

All applicants to the IEN BScN Nursing programs are required to complete an online assessment (CASPer™), to assist with our selection process. The CASPer™ test is comprised of 10-12 sections of video and written scenarios. CASPer™ assesses for non-cognitive skills and interpersonal characteristics that we believe are important for successful students and graduates of our program, and will complement the other tools that we use for applicant screening. for more information please visit: Future Students - Casper Test Requirements Webpage.

Important Links

Term 1 (Conditional Admittance)

Develops writing skills appropriate to the professional needs of nurses. Focus on university research papers and health educational materials using nursing curriculum-appropriate materials. Open to: Student enrolled in the Qualifying Pre-Session for internationally educated nurses only. Course credit exclusions: None.

Emphasizes the particulars of therapeutics used in the Canadian health care context. Focuses on pharmacology and specific nursing therapeutic regimens. Examines essential clinical content necessary for safe and competent nursing practice. Course credit exclusion: None. Open to: students admitted to the qualifying pre-session of the Post RN IEN BScN program only. Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.

Focuses on professional issues necessary for transition to the Canadian workplace. Social, political, and regulatory issues central to nursing in Ontario will be augmented with opportunities to be mentored in the healthcare workplace. Supports preparation of culturally competent practitioners. Course credit exclusion: None. Open to: students admitted to the qualifying pre-session of the Post-RN IEN BScN program only. Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.

Term 2

Examines the nature of nursing knowledge. Students critically reflect on the historical, socio-political and philosophic forces influencing nursing knowledge. A variety of conceptual models of nursing are explored as well as their utility for practice. Course credit exclusion: AK/NURS 3700 6.00 (prior to Summer 1997), HH/NURS 3040 3.0, HH/NURS 1511 3.00. Open to: students enrolled in the Post-RN IEN BScN program, or with permission of undergraduate director. Notes: AK/HH/NURS 3010 3.00 plus AK/HH/NURS 3020 3.00 are equivalent to AK/HH/NURS 3700 6.00. 

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.

An overview of the theory and skills of health assessment with emphasis on the individual. The clinical component of this course provides for guided practice in performing assessments and will be demonstrated in laboratory and clinical practice environments. Prerequisite: HH/NURS 3901 3.00, HH/NURS 3902 3.00. Students who failed to achieve the minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) in course prerequisites will be ineligible to proceed/withdrawn from this course. Course credit exclusion(s): HH/NURS 2730 3.00. Open only to students enrolled in the Post RN IEN BScN program.

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.

Students enrolled in HH/NURS 2731 6.00 must also enrol in this mandatory practicum.

Focuses on ethical theories, concepts and issues relevant to nursing practice. Ethical decision making and nursing practice are explored. Ethical aspects of caring/human sciences are explored within the context of the CNO Ethics Practice Standard and CNA Code of Ethics. Prerequisite: HH/NURS 1511 3.00 or equivalent. Pre/Corequisite: HH/NURS 2512 3.00. Course Credit Exclusion(s): HH/NURS 3400 3.00. Open to: Students in the BScN programs.

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.

Term 3

Introduces the concepts of quantitative data analysis within the context of nursing research. Focuses on understanding and interpreting research results through examination of nursing research. Examines the fit between research purpose and results, and results and implications for nursing practice. Course credit exclusion: HH/PSYC 2021 3.00 or HH/KINE 2050 3.00. Open to: students in the Post RN IEN BScN program. Notes: Recommend AK/HH/NURS 2300 3.00 be completed prior to or concurrently with AK/HH/NURS 3300 3.00 or equivalent.

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.

Philosophies and theories of health promotion and healing are critically examined. Students explore the meaning of health promotion with individuals in families, within a caring-healing perspective. Course credit exclusion: AK/NURS 3030 3.00 (prior to Summer 2002).

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.

Focuses on the care of patients and families within complex care situations using a client and family centred approach. Utilizes practice experience in Ontario healthcare settings to highlight essential competencies necessary for nursing practice in Canada. Prerequisite: HH/NURS 2731 6.00. Course credit exclusion: None.

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.

Students enrolled in HH/NURS 4131 6.00 must also enrol in this mandatory practicum.

The components of the Canadian health care system; roles played by governments, professional organizations; contemporary issues of cost control; organization and delivery of health services.

Prerequisite: For BScN students HH/NURS 3300 3.00 or HH/NURS 2700 6.00; for students in other programs AP/ADMS 2300 6.00 or equivalent or permission of the course director. 

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree. Course credit exclusions: None.

Term 4

This course focuses on nursing management roles and functions, organizational structure and processes and the management of human resources in a variety of health care settings. Prerequisites: For students in the BScN program, AK/HH/NURS 3040 3.00 or AK/HH/NURS 3010 3.00 or equivalent. 

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree. Course credit exclusion: None.

Explores the research basis of nursing practice. Research methods, including qualitative and quantitative approaches are examined along with methods of analysis. Students develop the ability to critique nursing research and to use research in practice.  Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree. Course credit exclusions: HH/NURS 3300 3.00, AP/ADMS 2300 6.00, AK/NURS 2700 6.00 (prior to Summer 1997).

This course focuses on the community as partner. Knowledge and skills related to caring for the community will be explored. The roles, concepts, and theories related to promoting of communities, using population-focused approach, will be critically examined and applied in practice. A practicum with a minimum of 144 hours over a 12 week semester provides opportunity for praxis. Prerequisites for Collaborative BScN students: HH/NURS 3524 6.00. Prerequisite for 2nd Entry BScN students: HH/NURS 2523 6.00. Prerequisite for Post RN IEN students: HH/NURS 4131 6.00. Course credit exclusion: HH/NURS 4120 6.00, AK/NURS 4140 6.00 (prior to Summer 2005). Notes: Students need to pass both practicum components in order to pass the course and are responsible for providing their own transportation to and from practicum sites. 2nd Entry and Post RN IEN students who failed to achieve the minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) in course prerequisites will be ineligible to proceed/withdrawn from this course.

Students enrolled in HH/NURS 4525 6.00 must also enrol in this mandatory practicum.

Term 5

The synthesis of practice, theory, insights and experiences from all other courses in the program. The primary learning outcome is nursing praxis which is the interrelationship and integration of theory and practice. Prerequisite for Post RN IEN BScN students: Successful completion of all program requirements, except for Corequisites HH/NURS 4910 3.00, HH/NURS 3740 3.00. Prerequisite for Post RN BScN program students: Successful completion of all other program requirements. Post RN BScN students must directly contact the course coordinator 60 days prior to the start of the course to arrange the practicum.

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree. Course credit exclusion: AK/HH/NURS 4780 6.00 (prior to Summer 2002).

Open to: students in the Post-RN and Post RN IEN BScN programs.

Note: This is a one term course with a clinical practicum equivalent to 18 hours per week for 12 weeks.

Students enrolled in HH/NURS 4150 6.00 must also enrol in this mandatory practicum.

A review of the epidemiology of acute and chronic disease as it informs the problem of providing health care and health services for an aging population. Special attention is given to societal implications of health problems characteristic of elderly populations.

Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree.Course credit exclusions: AP/ADMS 3740 3.00

Provides an overview of child health and mental health nursing in Ontario. Explores essential nursing knowledge through the provision of two, 6-week components. Involves a critical examination of key concepts, drawing upon current theory from within and outside of nursing.

Prerequisites: AK/HH/NURS 4131 6.00.  Note: A minimum grade of 5.00 (C+) is required in this course for the BScN degree. Course credit exclusions: None.

Note: Open only to students enrolled in the Post RN IEN BScN program.

Year 1

Term 1 (Winter)Term 2 (Summer)
AP/WRIT 3900 (3 credits) Professional Writing for NursesHH/NURS 3010 (3 credits) Development of Self as Nurse: Nature of Nursing Knowledge
HH/NURS 3901 (3 credits) Pharmacotherapeutics for nursing in OntarioHH/NURS 2731 (6 credits) Health Assessment and Application
HH/NURS 3902 (3 credits) Providing Culturally Competent CareHH/NURS 2731P (0 credits) Practicum for HH/NURS 2731 6.00
HH/NURS 2513 (3 credits) Development of Self as Nurse: Ethical Ways of Knowing and Caring in Nursing

Year 2

Term 3 (Fall)Term 4 (Winter)Term 5 (Summer)
HH/NURS 2300 (3 credits) Understanding and Interpreting Quantitative Data Analysis in Nursing ResearchHH/NURS 3770 (3 credits) Leadership Development: Part IHH/NURS 4150 (6 credits) Advanced Nursing Science Practicum
HH/NURS 3130 (3 credits) Promoting Health and Healing with Individuals and FamiliesHH/NURS 3515 (3 credits) Development of Self as Nurse: Research and InquiryHH/NURS 4150P (0 credits) Practicum for HH/NURS 4150 6.0
HH/NURS 4131 (6 credits) Client-Centered Care in the Canadian ContextHH/NURS 4525 (6 credits) Health & Healing: Community as PartnerHH/NURS 3750 (3 credits) Health and Aging
HH/NURS 4131P (0 credits) Practicum for HH/NURS 4131 6.00HH/NURS 4525P (0 credits) Practicum for HH/NURS 4525 6.00HH/NURS 4910 (3 credits) Child and Mental Health Nursing Care in Canada
HH/NURS 4710 (3 credits) The Canadian Health Care System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

• Licensed RN in your home jurisdiction
• College of Nurses of Ontario evaluation (diploma education equivalency)

This program is 20 months full time.

Please visit the website at: Future Students - Language Proficiency Requirements Webpage for information about English facility requirements and contact information. York University also offers services, including testing, to help students for whom English is not their first language.

Yes, you can apply on a study permit. 

Yes, you can apply if you are an RPN but the program will still be 20 months long.

All documents will be assessed only by office of Admission when a complete application package is submitted by or prior to the application deadline. Please see the admission requirements for the program.

For this program you need to be a licensed RN in you home jurisdiction. Medical doctor will not count.

All BScN students are required to take a licensing examination administered by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) upon successful completion of the program in order to practice nursing in Ontario and elsewhere in Canada. The Registered Nurse (RN) certificate that you receive will enable you to work in health care agencies/hospitals as a qualified RN.

Student Services: York University provides a variety of student services to assist students with concerns of student life. They also provide opportunities for students to connect with each other, the campus community and surrounding areas. Visit the student services webpage for details: Student Online Services.

Keele Campus Map: Campus Map Webpage The School of Nursing at York University is located in Building 31, the Health, Nursing, & Environmental Studies Building.

Students in the program have the same breaks and holidays as other York students enrolled in courses during the Fall, Winter and Summer semesters. Please see the Registrar webpage for important dates: Registrar's Office - Important Dates Webpage.

Students following graduation can obtain temporary licenses and work while waiting to write the registration exam or for the results. Visit the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) webpage-Registration Guide for more details.

You may be eligible for a loan from the Ontario Student Assistant program (OSAP) Please see the webpage for more information: OSAP Website.

If you have additional inquiries you can contact the program by sending us an email at:, or contact the program office at 416-736-2100 ex 30009. You may also visit us in person on the third (3) Floor of the Health, Nursing & Environmental Studies Building (HNES- No. 31).

Registration Requirements

To practice nursing in Canada, all graduate of a BScN program must complete and pass a registration exam, the NCLEX-RN. The designation of the title Registered Nurse (RN) is regulated in Ontario by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO). To qualify to write the registration exam graduates must provide proof of Canadian Citizenship, permanent resident status, or authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to practice nursing.
For more details please visit the CNO website at:

The nursing program at York University is approved by the College of Nurses of Ontario and is designed to lead to eligibility for professional registration as a nurse in Ontario. The College of Nurses of Ontario publishes the Entry Level Competencies that are required to enter the profession in Ontario. To achieve these competencies a student needs to possess certain essential skills and abilities. These include cognitive, communicative, behavioural, psychomotor, sensory and environmental capacities, all of which are essential for professional practice. They can be found on the College of Nurses website under Requisite Skills and Abilities for Nursing Practice in Ontario [PDF].