Missed Test/Exam/Assignments Form
Please fill out Department of Psychology: Missed Midterm/Exam/Assignment Form when you are unable to complete a scheduled test or examination, or submit an assignment on the specified due date. All students should review the course syllabus for specific information regarding missed tests, examinations or assignments.
Individual Research Project
Students are ultimately responsible for ensuring they have all required prerequisites. Students are urged to seek guidance from Psychology Undergraduate Program Advising if they have any concerns or questions.
- Individual Research Project Guidelines & Application (Word Format)
- Individual Research Project Guidelines & Application (PDF Format)
Specialized Honours Students
Please note the Specialized Honours Program 2023 application window is closed.
Open to: Students in the Specialized Honours program who have completed at least 14 university courses or 84 credits (excluding ED/EDUC courses).
Note: This course is not available for registration until the student completes the Honours Thesis contract with the supervisor and submits the form to the Psychology Undergraduate Office. This can be done by completing:
Specialized Honours Psychology Program contract (PDF format)
Specialized Honours Psychology Program contract (MS Word format )
After completing either format of above form, save completed form then submit completed application to Specialized Honours program.
Students unable to locate a specific form , please visit the University-wide Student Forms website.
Please do contact us or visit us in person at Psychology undergraduate office room 291 BSB if you have any questions or concerns.