Council is the academic governance body for the the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies (LA&PS). The Office of the Faculty Council is responsible for academic policy and development, and we are committed to both ensuring ongoing excellence and acting as forum for innovation for our Faculty.
Our team contributes through monthly council, eight standing committees, appointments across the university and various working groups which are made up of appointed and elected faculty, students, academic leadership and staff. Together, our work maintains and supports effective, fair and transparent collegial governance at LA&PS and across the broader University community. We encourage you get involved in this important work.

Chairs of the Faculty Council
Meet the Chairs of the Faculty Council who lead and govern the work of our Faculty Council.

Rules & Procedures
All council members should be familiar with the rules and procedures to ensure council is transparent, accountable and efficient.

LA&PS Senate Representation
Our representatives and committees liaise with their colleagues on Senate to ensure fair, transparent and effective governance of LA&PS and its fair representation across the University.

Council Secure Website
Council members can find faculty council polices, documents and more on our secure portal (Passport York access).